What do I say about my day today? It was a lot of different stuff, and it all tired me out!
So here's a quick summary. I made it to the volunteer meeting a little late (which is fine because there are about 50 women there every time) and first handed over a bunch of checks and what not to another girl in my chapter so she can deposit them, and we talked briefly about our next meeting and what to do with the board and all that. Then I went into the meeting and sat and took notes like a good girl, and also looked around the room at all the middle-aged and older women, and heard some of them in the back by me quietly critizing the job one woman is doing at planning a big event, and I was reminded of how much I don't fit in there, and how much I hate snippy comments. It was easy for these women to criticize, but I don't see them up there chairing a whole big event. But enough about that, because it's not worth my time thinking about.
I got to work a little before noon and chatted with everyone for awhile, and The Meat, The Queen, Freckles and I all made plans to go fishing in the mid-afternoon. Then my brother called

and he had gotten out of the seminar a little early so I walked down to his hotel and took a couple pictures of the amazingly gorgeous lounge area (picture of ceiling at left), and then we went to Corner Bakery for lunch. I actually only got an orange juice because I had a bit of a stomach ache from eating a corn muffin earlier. Anyway, we took our time there and chatted about tons of things, and I was so happy and consciously thinking at times about how much I loved being there with my brother! Then we went back to his hotel, he picked up his suitcase, and I walked him up to the L so he could give me his card after he went through - it has $4 still on it, so of course I can use that!
A block later I looked in my purse. I don't know what made me look, but I think I felt that something was missing because I just had to check. And my wallet was nowhere to be found! I looked all around and under everything about three times, and then called my boss so he could check for my wallet on or around my desk. No wallet there. I called my brother and asked him whether I ever had him hold my wallet, and had him look through his stuff. No wallet there either. Fuck!
I went back to my office and called first the hotel and got some completely uncaring guy on the line, who reported that no wallet had been turned in. Then I called Corner Bakery and they also hadn't had any wallets turned in. Fuck fuck fuck! I went down the hall to see if I had carried it down there sometime, as I sometimes do when I know I'm going out, but no wallet, and I was so dangerously close to crying. Freckles walked back to my desk with me and looked through my purse, too, and told me to call the credit card companies just in case.
I first called my bank and cancelled my debit card. They didn't show any action today, which I was so happy about. I don't really know the rules with regard to debit cards - whether the bank covers you at all. I don't think they do, but I also think that at least one bank out there does now, so maybe mine does too.
Anyway, then I called my credit card and
someone had made three charges at a gas station and tried to use it in an ATM machine!!!! So some
asshole took my wallet from whereever I must have left it, and instead of being a good human being and turning it in, tried to get free fucking cash, and made it so now I have to replace my driver's license, my attorney registration card, my sheriff's ID, my insurance card, dental card, bone marrow donor card, and all the little discount cards from various stores. I'm trying to remember whether there was anything else, but I think those were the big ones. At least there was only about $7 in it. But the asshole(s)! I felt so frustrated and so naked and also so mad at whoever this person was, or people were! I wish I could kick them in their fucking nuts with my cowgirl boots!
Right now I feel resigned and fine, but when I get thinking about it, I'm just angry that this person didn't have the decency to do the right thing. He or she just completely
didn't care about the stress and inconvenience that the owner of the wallet would feel, and instead bought a free tank of gas and two $7.60 charges in an Amoco. And then the obviously stupid person tried to use the ATM machine when he had no idea what the PIN would be! I'm used to being a good person and trying to do the right thing as often as possible, and all my friends and people I love are that same way. So to experience this behavior that is so completely opposite just really disappoints and pisses me off!
Enough about that though. The German made me feel a little better while we were instant messaging, by pointing out that no one got hurt, and everything can be replaced. And then The Meat, The Queen, Freckles and I headed out to fish, and I love spending time with them

, and I love the relaxation of fishing, and I loved getting away. And we had a pretty good fishing day! Freckles caught a rock bass and right after that The Queen caught a little baby Rock Bass (picture at right). I think I caught a goby sometime after that, and then Freckles hooked a huge fish! It was a Small-Mouth Bass and she reeled it in a ways and we all saw it flopping around and trying to get away, and it jumped out of the water or was jerked out of the water at one time, and then it got away. But it was huge! And then, less than ten minutes later I think I hooked the very same Small-Mouth Bass! I got to, for the first time ever, really be reeling in and fighting a big fish like a real fisherwoman! The Meat and The Queen were so excited and were on either side of me yelling out instructions - it was so funny now that I think about it! After reeling for forever, the fish got a little tired and wasn't swimming so much anymore and was right below us so we could all get a good look at him. He was gorgeous!!! The Meat decided that he'd try to pull him up but the fish got away when he tried (the line was really weak) - and before I could get a picture of him! But I swear, he was huge! The Queen thought maybe five pounds! And he was so pretty and impressive-looking! Freckles and I saw a lone big fish swim by awhile later and we're sure that it was the same guy! Anyway, after that we all caught a few more gobies, and luckily all of my very serious lectures to The Queen worked because he didn't viciously murder any of them, as he did last summer once. So I was very happy with him!

Oh and one other thing - a friend sent me ten of the most beautiful white tulips in a vase as a congratulations for my six months of no drinking! They're so pretty! Oh and they came with a bag of Lindt truffles, which was so good because I was craving a little chocolate tonight but I have no cash or debit or credit cards to buy anything with - so I got my craving satisfied :) So thank you - I loved the chocolates and just adore the flowers!!
Tomorrow I'm meeting Warsteiner sometime after work so I can get the keys to Florida and Asparagus's home from him, cause I'll be taking over the feeding and giving of love to their two kitties over the weekend! Warsteiner is also planning a little something of sorts for us and is going to grill or something like that, so we'll be eating dinner at Florida and Asparagus's, with Simon and Millie (the cats). It'll hopefully be fun, but I seriously can't believe that I ever was romantically interested in that guy. I'm going to blame it on the fact that I was constantly drinking and lonely and wanting to be in love. Luckily, I'm much more open-eyed now!
Okay, that's all! I know, this post ended up being ridiculously long, especially because I was going to keep it really short so I could go to bed sooner. But sometimes getting it all written out in detail really helps me, and I feel better now at just writing the whole story down.
Oh and also, I'm listening to the album
Blue Valentine by Tom Waits right now (I was recently introduced to the guy by
WDKY on his very first Musical Monday), and holy shit is it about the most fabulous album ever!!!! I almost don't want to go to bed because I want to keep listening to it for forever!
That's really all now! Except that I need to clean my place in the most serious way and I need to do laundry. Tomorrow I have to get it all completely cleaned even if I don't get to the laundry. So I promise myself now that I'll do it!