I'm a soon-to-be sailorwoman!
At least we don't have as far to go, because The German went up there today for when the boat was put in and he sailed it by himself from Winthrop Harbor to Waukegan, which I don't think is so far but still is a little ways. I also feel so much better now because he has sailed a little and become a little familiar with how things work and how the boat reacts. He said he actually motored for most of the way because the wind was light, and when he got around Waukegan he played around with sailing it. And got smacked in the head once with the boom already - so he's already told me that I need to remain seated so I don't get smacked in the head, too.
I've never been on a sailboat before, so I'm nervous and excited! Excited for the adventure, nervous because it looks so small and low in the water from the pictures he sent me today. I'll douse (I think that's the way to spell it, but it doesn't look right - I'm not taking the time to look it up, though) myself with SPF tomorrow and be wearing a hat so I'll protect myself from future wrinkles as best as possible. And tonight I got a mystic tan so I won't look like a ghost all weekend - the weather is going to be so nice and so warm so I can't completely cover myself up. Tomorrow I'll be a sailorwoman - yay!!!
And let's see, what else...last night after work I was good and went to the police station and filed my police report. The guy said I had to report the wallet as lost instead of stolen because I didn't know exactly how or when it was taken. Whatever, as long as there's a record. I kind of expected to be able to fill the thing out myself and write a narrative of what happened and what was in the wallet - like I see people do on Law & Order - well okay, it's the suspects usually writing out confessions or the victims writing out their stories - but I was a victim, too, in a way! Anyway though, he wrote down on a little separate sheet of paper what items were in the wallet and then he went in some back room for about ten minutes and I guess he was maybe entering this all in a computer system, maybe? He came back out and gave me a paper that had the carbon copy of my personal info on the top, of what he wrote, and the rest was all instructions. And he wrote down my case number. So that's that.
And I admit that it was intensely exciting being in the police station! The one I went to is an old station (I learned that today when telling my bosses) and everything looks just like it does in old TV shows, or even on Law & Order - old stuff, lots of file cabinets, lots of notices and things hanging off of bulletin boards, kind of messy desks, cops filing past. And I was just so intrigued by all the cops - they're like another world to me, with their cop stroll and their big belts and their guns and handcuffs and walkie-talkie things. Just the fact that they carry guns every day and know how to shoot them is a kind of excitement to me - they can be around danger and know what to do! So cool!
What else? When I got home last night my doorman handed me a package, and I was soooooooo excited because I'd been waiting for the past few days for it to arrive. It was a present that I got for The Meat! He's always telling us such fabulous stories from his younger days, especially from the 60's and to a certain extent the 70's, and one of the stories he's told us is how he was on the back cover of one of the Siegel-Schwall albums - it was a picture of a big group of people after the album was recorded live, and he was in the group, along with some of his friends. Maybe three weeks ago we were talking about the band and how they'll be playing at the Chicago Blues Fest, and I asked to see the album, and he said he didn't have one. How could he not have one?! He said it's been out of print for a long time, and he looks every now and then when he goes in an old record store but has never run across one yet.

So today I got to surprise The Meat! Florida was visiting and I was so happy that she could be there too so he could show her the picture and point himself out. I was so happy, so so so happy, because it made him so happy! And he deserves constant happiness, he's so wonderful!
Okay, that's about it. We talked at work a bit more about the move, and The Queen is going to rent the U-Haul for me. Oh, and when I got home tonight I stopped at the parking lot next to me and asked the guy if I could park the U-Haul there overnight, if he'd have room for it, and he said it would be perfectly fine! Yay! And he's cheap so it'll only be about $12 for overnight! This is even more perfect! Of course, I haven't reserved the damn truck yet. I was actually a bit busy at work so didn't get around to actually calling. And tomorrow I'll be on the boat all day. Shit. Okay, I'll bring the phone number with me tomorrow and call while I'm on the train or right when we get to the harbor.
I'm ridiculously tired now and I have to get up so fucking early tomorrow morning, so I'm off to bed. I'll post some sailing pictures after tomorrow!!