Weekend update
Anyway, about the only other thing I did besides much more looking at stuff online and trying to figure out how I'll arrange my bedroom and what color I'll paint the bedroom (and looking at possible new duvet covers on overstock.com - which then got me started looking at about every single other item that is offered on overstock), was to watch the Desperate Housewives season finale. I hadn't watched about the past five episodes, so I'm obviously not a diehard fan, but it was okay. And I cuddled with James and Emma a lot. And I got a phone call from SP during the afternoon so we chatted briefly, which made me ridiculously happy and content for a short period of time. I haven't felt like talking on the phone at all since then though. I feel like today was a wasted day anyway, so I didn't feel the need to do anything productive like calling people who I should call or cleaning or packing. Tomorrow will be a new day!
Yesterday was a great day, though! I woke up early so I could clean my kitchen, because I was planning to go to breakfast with Florida and The German and I figured that The German would come to my place first. But he didn't end up coming here because initially he was going to take the earlier train up to his boat and we were running out of time a bit, so I met him outside on the way to the restaurant. Luckily though, he decided to get the train two hours later because otherwise he wouldn't have had time to even eat breakfast. Florida slept late so she met us at the restaurant just as we were finishing up, so she got breakfast and we all chatted and drank more coffee and had a wonderful time.
After breakfast we all walked down Armitage a little and looked in some cute shops - which is always fun! The German left us after a bit to take the bus to his train, and Florida and I continued browsing and chatting some more and then went back to her place to meet Asparagus (who had been golfing), and we ended up having The Italian Chef come to their place as we were going to a movie theater by us. And while we were waiting I got to browse through all Asparagus's music on the computer and he copied one album on a cd for me - I love finding new music! So anyway, when TIC got there, we headed to the movies and had planned to see The DaVinci Code at 4:00 but it was almost all sold out, and Florida and I are very anal about getting good seats so we bought tickets for the 5:00 show. There was a wonderful little dive barbeque restaurant right across from the theater and they had an outdoor seating area, so we got to sit in the sun and so completely enjoy the good weather, which was so nice!! And Asparagus ordered about two pounds of meat, which made him fall asleep for the first half hour of the movie! Anyway, after the movie we all went to dinner and again got to sit outside. It was so nice to have good weather again for a day!! And after dinner we went briefly to Florida and Asparagus's place and then they dropped me off at home before they drove TIC home. I talked to The German for a bit on the phone and then went to bed.
And let's see, on Friday I was supposed to go to this party thing at a really cool store that I've never seen, but I didn't go because The German had a crisis at work and he couldn't make it. I was a bunch of stress on Friday actually, from trying organize the move and schedule stuff and all kinds of stuff like that, and at various times I was about this close to crying. And now I know why - it was hormones! I got my period yesterday afternoon and I wasn't at all expecting it this early so I wasn't even thinking about blaming the almost crying on pms!
Okay, that's about it and now I'm really tired. Well not actually really physically tired, but a bit mentally tired from all the hard work of playing on the internet for the past fourteen hours - and of course I know I need to go to bed now so I can hopefully get up super on time tomorrow morning! So I can get stuff done! On Friday I did manage to get some stuff done for the move, like scheduling the ComEd transfer of service and Comcast change and changing my address for a couple things, and filling out the change of address form online for the post office. I still don't have my movers completely figured out though - they were supposed to call back on Friday night to tell me whether they could do it (I could only get the move-out time of 2-4 p.m. on the 31st and they had wanted to come after 4:30). I didn't hear back from them so I'll call tomorrow morning. If they can't do it then I need to quickly call other moving companies. But the biggest fucking thing I need to do is what I really haven't done any of yet: pack. I'm such an idiot sometimes! Tomorrow night I promise myself that I'll really start doing stuff. Promise promise promise!
Okay - to bed now!