I'm a pirate!! (But not a cool-looking one, unfortunately.)
So, I actually did have something in my eye all this time. On Tuesday said eye was starting to bother me much more again, and finally today I said something again to The Italian Chef and she called her opthalmologist and made an appointment for me - that's what I needed, for someone to do it for me or put a fire under my butt.
So anyway, after the doctor put those numbing drops in my eyes, he saw something very small at "11:00, embedded in the cornea." He likened it to a sliver, and after he removed it, he couldn't tell me what it was but said it was clear and tiny, about the size of the point of a pin. He wanted me to wear the patch so I would rest my eye and it could heal, and to prevent infection from getting in. And he put some antibiotic gel in my eye before taping the patch on me.
When he first mentioned the possibility of a patch, I didn't mind at all and was imagining a cool black pirate patch! But instead, he gave me a white puffy patch and tape all over my face. But the worst part is that before taping, he lifted my cheek up high and then taped it tightly that way - so the whole side of my face is still lifted, and there's a crease by my nose, and as a result - I look a little bit retarded - for real! It's awful! I tried hiding under my sunglasses as best as I could when I left, and I didn't push my hair out of my face at all and in fact encouraged it to hang over that side of my face, but I had to half hold the sunglasses on because the patch is so puffy, and even my hair couldn't hide half of my face being lifted and scrunched!!! So I hailed a cab as soon as I left the office and went straight home - no one else needs to see me looking like this!
Tomorrow morning at 9:30 I'm going back to see the doctor and he'll take the patch off and check the healing and make sure there's no infection. I'll leave the patch on until I get there, but I'm going to for sure loosen the tape before I leave the house, so I have a normal face again. And I'll put makeup on the parts of my face that are showing. So when I get to work tomorrow after the appointment, one eye will be fully made up while the other will have today's remnants of makeup and I'm sure a bunch of the dried yellow numbing stuff all over, too. I'll be fixing that before we all go on our lunch field trip tomorrow!
The German will be here soon. I asked him pretty please to stop by on his way home from work and bring me some Tylenol PM to help me sleep tonight - just in case the patch bothers me or my eye is hurting (there was no way I was going to leave the house on my own to buy anything - not with my retarded face!) But before he would agree to bring me the pills, he made me call some movers - I called one, the guys I used last year, and booked them. I'll still call a couple other companies that I looked up last night to compare prices, but at least I have someone booked now. And he also told me that I had to vacuum. I did do a little vacuuming - but the bag is so full of cat hair and a very strong burning smell was coming from the vacuum, so I only did the living room area before shutting it off. Obviously, vacuum bags need to go on the list of things to buy.
Oh and I called The Coach and left him a message cancelling our date tonight. I also asked him about the John Prine concert - which I did end up buying tickets for last night - yay!!! So anyway though, I'll wait to hear from him.
Man, if The German doesn't get here soon, I may be asleep already and not even need the PM part of the tylenol! Closing my one available eye feels really good! So I think I'll just close my eye now and rest until he arrives.
It's 8:45 now:
The German stopped by for ten minutes max. Enough time for him to tell me it was too hot in my place and that my face didn't look so bad, and for him to give James a quick brushing and hand me my pills. I want to hit him when he's in that rushing-around type of mood.
I tried calling The Coach again and again got his voicemail. I'm guessing that he's not going to be my date to John Prine. I'm too tired to try calling anyone else right now. I'll do that tomorrow.
I just finished watching Alias and Lost from last night. I forgot that it's May sweeps now, so all the shows are good and lots of cool new stuff is happening - so both were pretty damn good!!
That's all I've got - I'm tired and a bit cranky right now, so I think I'll wash my face (the part with no tape, of course!) and get myself into bed, and then call my mom and then take my tylenol pm. And a very long sleep tonight will be really good for healing my eye!
And when I think back to myself wearing an eye patch, this is how I'm going to picture myself because it's so much better than white puffy patch and tape holding my face in weird ways. So here I am!!! :) And with my parrot, Horace!