Random things
"The tone of the movie is subdued and reflective. It does not defend pornography, but regards it (in its 1950s incarnation) with subdued nostalgia for a more innocent time. There is a kind of sadness in the movie as we reflect that most of these women and the men they inflamed are now dead; their lust is like an old forgotten song."
I like the last sentence but you need to read the first two for context. I keep reading the last sentence over and over again. It's lyrical, and also so true and yes, sad. I often feel this way when I look at old pictures of long dead strangers, or even when I see video of famous people from long ago: all those people were so alive then, their lives were colorful, their lives affected others' lives - but now they're all gone, or at least that time is gone. And we all will also be gone someday and some person will maybe run across a picture of us and wonder what we were thinking at the time, and who we loved and what gave us joy. When I look at old pictures, I almost feel an obligation to wonder about the objects of the camera, if only to keep them alive for a few seconds longer. I really can't stop reading this quote.

I also got the absolute cutest shirt ever created yesterday! And it looks just amazing! It's sleeveless and the top of it is black lace with little fake buttons down the middle and little ruffles of lace around the buttons. Oh it's just amazingly pretty!!! And I have always loved that kind of romantic look of black lace - it seems so old world Spain to me! (Remember Cabbage Patch Kids - the second one I got, and first one I got to choose for myself, was a girl from Spain who wore a dark pink satin dress with lots of black lace all over it, and she had a black lace shawl to wear over her hair.) Anyway, I'll have to take a picture of the shirt on sometime and post it, because it's just so so so so pretty! And makes me want summer weather to come so I can wear it out! And with the new shoes!!!
Tonight I got together with a friend of mine from law school - I'm going to call him Master Prosecutor! We get together now and then to catch up and have fun, and he always has the best stories that I just love listening to! He sees things and learns about things that for me are more the subject of movies and novels. It's absolutely fascinating! We sat for awhile in the fancy cool lobby of the W hotel downtown and had a drink (mine non-alcoholic, of course!) and when it got ridiculously cold (I wore my coat in there the whole time) we headed out, and were both kind of tired once we got in his warm car. In the next couple weeks, when it's actually warm outside, we're going to find a fun place to sit outside and have dinner. I've had quite a few adventures with Master Prosecutor, and it had been awhile since we'd gotten together (my fault mostly), so it was good to see him again. And when we go to dinner I'm going to have to start taking notes about the stuff he sees so I can incorporate some of it in a book someday!
Last night I talked on the phone to The Coach for over an hour. He was extremely stressed and really bothered by some stuff related to his coaching, so we talked about that the whole time, which was fine with me since he really needed to get it off his chest and also have someone to listen to him. However, once again he has failed to follow through when he tells me he'll email me. At the end of the conversation last night he said he'd email me tomorrow (today) and no surprise to me, no email ever arrived. It's become a pattern, and is not impressive. He also seems to think that a short text message counts as meaningful communication, which is total crap. Two other things that entered my mind while talking to him - 1) his whole life essentially is sports, and 2) he feels very strongly about doing the right thing, and about what things are wrong, and while I agree with some of what he says, I think he's very black and white about things and that is not a good thing - and I know this because my father is very black and white and it often drives me crazy, and also is not, I believe, an indication of an open mind. In short, The Coach's negatives are starting to really stack up, and although I think he's a very good guy, and I will also still go out with him a couple more times to give him a chance, I'm thinking right now that he is not at all the guy for me.
Tomorrow night I'm meeting someone new for the first time, and we're going out to dinner at a fancy schmancy place that will be very different and cool! I will say that I'm quite looking forward to it!! And that's all I'm going to say!
There are many other things that I could talk about, such as the book I just started, The Meat, my cleaning apartment plans, my love for my kittens, my still freezing cold feet (I'm definitely taking the sexy shoes off and putting socks on in two minutes) - but, I'm ridiculously tired and my eyes just really, really want to shut. So I'm going to instead go wash my face and go to bed really early tonight!