Too much time on my hands and cute puppies!

I did hardly anything else today, and I loved it. Although by tomorrow I will SO need to get out of the house. But I really, really needed a lazy day, and an antisocial day.
Thanks to following a link from Cute Overload, I found the most perfect puppy EVER!!! I wish I could adopt this little girl (he's actually a boy, but I like girl dogs better so I'm pretending) and cuddle with her all the time!!!
For anyone who doesn't know, she's a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, and I have adored this breed for years now. My dog growing up, Muffin, who I loved so absolutely and completely, was an English Cocker Spaniel, so I'm kind of partial to spaniels. Just look at that little face!!! So so so so cute!!! I'll also put up a picture of this little baby with some of her litter-mates, because - well because puppies are just so cute and I want to show another picture of the cuteness!
What else did I do today? I was so incredibly hot and horny - more so than in a long time - and did quite a lot of playing which was good but didn't completely satisfy me no matter how much I played. I both love and hate that. And I don't think the horniness is going to go away for awhile!
Hmmm, I have nothing else to say. Which is kind of strange, because I can usually find lots to talk about! Oh well, I'm tired even though I slept until 12:30 this afternoon (not on purpose though - I fell asleep last night on the couch and woke up at 9 a.m. and moved to my bed and set the alarm for 10 and then at 10 I reset it to 11, and at 12:30 thank GOD I woke up when my building manager called to tell me she was bringing some people up to look at my apartment - I was mostly naked in my bed so it would have been slightly awkward to have them walk in to that!). I'm going to go read in bed for awhile now and hopefully fall asleep soon so I can wake up early tomorrow morning and have a full day as opposed to today!