Not cleaning, The German and his new boat, and apartment decision
Today I got up on time (thanks to James helping by pawing my nose so I'd wake up and give him some kitten cuddling) and got to work at 9:25 a.m. Yay me!!! Tomorrow I need to get there a little earlier. And that's of course after doing some cleaning. So shit, I'm not going to get a full night of sleep.
The German came over tonight for a bit because he had to pick up his drycleaning near my place. He heated up some Bavarian-style sausages, which he said were very authentic when we tried them. I could only eat a little - the texture was so light and kind of mushy and the taste was just not good in some indescribeable way. So he finished my sausage and I ate just the bread that he brought along.
He showed me a message-board website on his kind of new boat. Oh yes - he bought a sailboat this weekend. He's been talking about possibly buying a boat and eventually, when he retires in a couple years (he's so thrifty that he'll be able to

Anyway, the boat is in a shipyard by a harbor up near the Wisconsin border. The German has already applied for a mooring in one of the downtown harbors and hopefully he'll get one, because otherwise I'm not sure what he'll do. He wants me to be involved in fixing it up and learning to sail it with him! I've never been on a sailboat before, but I'm so excited! I wouldn't want to be on the ocean, but I can hopefully handle Lake Michigan! Of course, I'll be wearing a hat at all times and SPF 1000, because I don't want wrinkles, much less skin cancer!
In other news, tomorrow is the 30th and I have to let my apartment building know by the 31st whether I want to keep my apartment. I love and adore my apartment, but the idea of saving around $250/month in rent sounds so much better. Such that if I end up staying, I'll be so pissed at the waste. And I can still get a great place a little further north, and see if I can like living somewhere a little more vintage or not. And I can always move from there after a year, too. And I'll really miss my area and miss the bus and miss the lake, but I'll be being brave and exploring a new area, and challenging myself to embrace a little bit of change. So it's all good, and for the best, and it's the smart thing to do even if it's the harder thing to do. And I'll only get a place that will let me paint, and then it will be fun to decorate a new place. I can have fun with my paint swatches again. So I'll let them know that I'm not staying, and I'll start looking for a new place. And I still have two months here to enjoy my wonderful apartment and painted walls and balcony and view.
Now it's really late and I didn't intend to write more than a paragraph or two, so I'm going to bed. Well, first loading the dishwasher and then going to bed!