Robin wish, waking up, talking, cookie dough and basketball

Today I did terrible with the waking up. First let me say that I did wonderful on Monday and Tuesday though! On Monday I got there at 9:25 and on Tuesday, at 9:33. But last night I stayed up until 1 a.m. doing laundry and folding and making the bed and all that. Of course, I didn’t start until 10 – because I was lazy and sitting on the stupid couch.
So this morning I just couldn’t wake up. I was in a daze. My mom had to call twice because I didn’t even hear the phone next to my ear, and even then, I really don’t remember what we talked about other than that I was trying to sound really awake and waiting to lay my head back down for just a few more minutes. I finally was able to get up at 8:30 and because I was going to be late already, I moved extra slow, and eventually got to work at 11:00.
SP came over tonight, from 5:30 to 8, and it was a perfect time. We had a lot of such hot action (and I’m kind of walking like a cowboy right now), and we also had time to relax and talk, and we had a really good talk. I was able to ask him a few questions and he talked to me about a couple of things. And it was really nice because I feel more comfortable now with talking to him about things that before we danced around a little, or at least I danced around. I feel really good about it, and like I took a bit of a step forward.
In other news, I need to work on eating better. I need to pick up SuperFoods RX again, because it was really inspiring me while I was reading it. I just started getting little yogurts again, so I take one with me to work to eat for breakfast every morning. But my lunch has been consisting of a couple cups of applesauce and maybe a few pretzels snatched from an officemate. And my dinner has usually been consisting of a large bowl of granola. And that’s been about it for the day. Oh and some chocolate chips for “dessert” after the granola. And a shit-load of coffee in the morning and sometimes a big cup during the afternoon.

Oh – tonight I have to do some reading up of the sportswriters so I can make my picks for NCAA basketball tournament. I’ve been organizing it at work and we have 17 people in, so first place gets $100, second place gets $50 and third gets $20. Last year I got second place!! I was so excited! And it was even more fun watching The Queen and Asparagus come in at the bottom of the pack, cause they’d been so confident at the start! Tomorrow I’ll be checking all day to see the scores! So fun! I love the fun and friendly little competition, and I love seeing how everyone is doing with their own brackets!!!