Sleepy and content like a well-fed kitten :)
Dig Deep.
You're better than you think you are.
You can do more than you think you can.
I like it!
Because we had yesterday off work, I knew that some stuff needed to be prepared by 1:30 this afternoon for my boss, and I knew that the interns wouldn't be in until around noon, so I planned on getting to work really early and getting right to work. And you know what? I DID!!! I got to work at 8:45!!! I think that's the earliest that I've EVER gotten there! I was so proud of myself and had to shock someone, so I called The Meat as soon as I got there and he was amazed and satisfactorily in shock and awe :)
And it was a good day. I went through the stuff and got everything all ready, then had some laughs with my boss before he had to get to the afternoon stuff. And then I went and chatted with The Meat for a good long time about a bunch of different things, and that was wonderful and fun. I listened in on some interesting stuff with the new guy, and then chatted some more with everyone before The Meat, Wake Forest and I left for the day, and left pretty early, too. It felt good and when we got outside it was so warm compared to the past few days, and I could smell spring in the air!
That's about all I've got. I went to Walgreens and picked up some essentials and looked at pretty lipsticks and other makeup stuff. And I made myself a bit of supper. And the TV hasn't been turned on all night. I only just turned on some music - the silence has actually been kind of nice.
Between the time of me cleaning my place on Saturday morning and right now, my place has turned itself into a disgusting mess, so I'm going to make myself straighten up and clean the kitchen before I go to bed. Oh and shit, I need to wash a pair of pants in the sink because all my pants are dirty! And I was way too lazy tonight to get in laundry mode. That'll have to wait until tomorrow, even though tomorrow I'll be staying after work to help with my boss's class.
Oh I'm tired. But happy as well! The girly thing came yesterday while we were at the funeral, so all of that hormonal moodiness has lifted and I feel so light and lovely! It's a wonderful feeling, to feel good and satisfied and peaceful and light for a few moments :)
Here's a picture that The German took this morning from his apartment in the John Hancock. It's not from the best angle but still pretty cool. Earlier on the news this morning I saw a picture from the Sears Tower looking toward the Hancock, and it was so incredible - perfect blue skies and morning sunshine looking down on a sea of clouds, with the Hancock sticking out of them. I tried to find the picture on the website of that station, but no can find. Anyway, enjoy!