Stupid computer issues
BUT, Florida sent me the nicest email after she read my post from yesterday, and she listed some of the good things about me! I loved it!! And I'll be saving it forever. And also, I love lists!
Then I got home and over the past couple days my computer here has been doing something weird - I generally just leave it on all the time but when I got up one of the past couple mornings some writing kept coming and disappearing on the top part of the screen, over and over again and too quickly to really read. So I quickly turned the computer off. And it happened once again as well, when I came home I think yesterday. Turning it off and back on has worked so far, but last night I typed out the names of all the albums I've downloaded just in case. But when I tried to save some albums to a CD it reported that it failed. And I never did get around to learning how use my iPod just as a hard drive. I'll have to read up on that at work tomorrow.
Tonight I came home and opened the computer top and this time the writing was just staying there so I could read the REALLY SCARY WORDS (I of course took a picture, which is why I can give the exact scary words now):
"SMART Failure Predicted on Hard Disk [then a bunch of letters and numbers.]
WARNING: Immediately back up your data and replace your hard disk drive. A failure may be imminent.
Press F1 to Continue"
Holy Shit! I don't know what that all means but I know it's not good at all. When I read "a failure may be imminent", it made my stomach nervous. I called The German and he had me start running this local disk check, with "scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors" checked. I started it at maybe 8:45 and it's been over two hours, and it's only half-way through Phase 4. I didn't want to leave it on tonight, but it started Phase 4 at 9:00. So at this rate it won't be finished until after 1 a.m., and I don't even know if that's the last phase!
So tomorrow night I'll be trying to plug my iPod in and NOT have it automatically update, or else I'll have almost no songs on it (I haven't gotten around to putting all my downloads in iTunes and organizing it). And then hopefully I can copy all my recent pictures and all my music onto it.
I had a few other things that I wanted to write about but for the life of me I can't remember a single one right now.
Oh - today I did so well with waking up! Yay me! Of course, I reset the first alarm clock at least once, and I lept across the bed to turn off the second one as soon as it started going off, but for some reason then I was actually half awake so told myself I'd sleep for only ten more minutes and then get up. And I did! I actually got up, out of bed, fed the babies, and got in the shower (where I still was when my mom called me). So this was a wonderful thing!!! I made myself wake up! Still though, I didn't get on the bus until 9:15 and got to work at 9:40, so I need to stop resetting my alarm clock and just get up right away.
Tomorrow afternoon is my doctor appointment, so I'll find out what's going on with me.
And now I need to get ready for bed, because I am soooooooo sleepy!