Sex overdrive and my hot sheriff

I think today I just passed into Day 24. And I swear that my lower belly feels more thick inside, and every single nerve ending has been stimulated all day long. And my mind has been on overdrive with the fantasies. And I can't stop thinking about sex and fucking and sucking and grabbing and passion and heavy breathing and orgasms and on and on and on. And I don't mind one little bit! It's quite wonderful to have many mental breaks during the day for intensely hot thoughts!
On a slightly removed topic, I saw someone today who I haven't seen in a few months - my hot young sheriff! He used to work in my building but moved about a year ago to a different area of the city. He's only I think 24, and acts like it, but he's so sweet and also intensely hot, even though he has such low self-confidence which is ridiculous. He took the day off and was visiting people in the building for a bit. I was working, saw something out of the corner of my eye, and there he was in the door. He kept hugging me, and I've always thought he was an amazing hugger! He's very young and in no way a future prospect, but it was really nice seeing him!
Back when he used to work in my building, he was also my sex guy! We were quite scandalous! We'd often escape to the staircase at random times during the day for a quick fuck, and after work we'd often do the nasty in my boss's office, and once on a table in a side room - like I said, scandalous! And very fun! I loved walking out of the staircase and going back to work, slightly flushed and with my dirty little secret to keep me company :)
It still worked out well that he left my building, though. Because things couldn't go on forever like that, and he's pretty sensitive. He wants to see me again sometime very soon, and I guess I would be up for that, but not for any sex. I wouldn't mind him just hugging me for a couple hours, though!
Today was a wonderful day at work - lots of fun, lots of good talks, lots of me being in a great mood! I love those days! And right now I'm taking a short break from doing some work on another opinion, but I'll get back to work on it in a bit.

Oh - my dad is going to visit me on Saturday night!!! I'm so excited! He's leaving Saturday morning to drive to Milwaukee for a woodworking show, and then he'll start back and spend Saturday night with me! I hardly ever hang out with my dad, just the two of us, so I'm really excited. My new dollhouse kit should be in on Friday so I'll have the pieces all laid out for him to see when he gets here - I hope he'll get excited by my new project! Of course, he'll be really tired, too, from all the driving all day. But yay!! I'm so excited!! (And I wish he could still spin me around like in the picture - how fun would that be!)