We watched the funniest little thing today at work - a parody trailer

Brokeback to the Future (a mix of Brokeback Mountain and Back to the Future) - we were all in
stitches!!! This came after I showed everyone
James Lipton on Conan O'Brien reading the lyrics to Kevin Federline's new "song", and David Hasselhoff's unbelieveably terrible, mouth-open-in-disbelief-cheesy, yet completely hysterical music video to
Hooked on a Feeling. I wouldn't even know where to begin commenting on specific aspects of this video, but it's pretty damn funny (the picture, from the video, is Hasselhoff inexplicably flying)! So anyway though, we were having a good bit of fun at work today!
The Olympics are about to start!!! Yay!!!! Tomorrow night I'm heading straight home after work to watch the opening ceremonies. I completely adore watching the athletes from all the separate countries walk in. And I especially love the athletes from very unrepresented countries, where only a couple or few represent the whole country. I always want the crowd to go wild for them, just for being so brave and living their dreams.
This afternoon The Queen handed me a section of the Tribune and pointed to a story on
Bonobos, which I now know are very similar to Chimps and like Chimps, are closest to humans

in terms of our genes. The article was interesting because the expert talked about how we usually describe our good traits or behaviors, such as compassion, kindness and forgiveness, as part of our "humanity", whereas bad behavior, such as violence, is often described as part of our "animalistic tendencies". The Bonobo expert pointed out that unlike Chimp societies, Bonobo societies are very peaceful, and the Bonobos exhibit behavior that we often would describe as "human". The article has been swimming around in my head, so that's why I'm writing about it. Here are another couple factoids about Bonobos: their societies are matriarch-run, they have sex about every ninety minutes, and they're generally bisexual. As the article put it, the females keep the males so satisfied that they have nothing to fight about!
I don't have much of anything else on my mind right now. I'm just happy that it's almost the weekend, and a long weekend, too! We get this coming Monday off and also the next Monday - for Lincoln's birthday and Presidents' Day - I love working for the government! Among other things that I need to do this weekend: get lots of sleep, do a shit-load of laundry, and clean. And hopefully have a rendevous with SP! My list of things to do is much longer, but these are the most important ones!