Sleepy and other stuff
Last night I was reading on the couch and got so tired, so I shut my eyes around 9:30, knowing that I'd fall asleep for a bit. James woke me up at 4:45 a.m. for some cuddling, and I managed to finally drag my sleepy ass to bed for a couple more hours of sleep. Right now all I want to do is go to bed. I'm just going to type a short thing as I wait for the washer to be done so I can move the clothes to the dryer.
I re-started working out yesterday!!! Yay me!!! TIC and I went during lunch yesterday, even though I hadn't eaten anything so was pretty weak. And we went again today. And today I met with the personal trainer who yesterday gave me crap for riding the bike at level 1 while TIC next to me was at level 5 - yes, I know, but I was feeling weak!!! Today, he took all my measurements and weighed me and I held some machine to give me my body fat percentage, and then I told him what my goals were and all that. And on Thursday I'm getting a free workout with him! But I'm a bit nervous cause I really don't LOVE cardio besides walking fast on the treadmill, and he told me he was going to work me very hard and that I'd maybe be needing my inhaler. Depending on how it goes, though, I'm thinking of using a very small bit of the money in my new savings account to buy a few sessions with him, because I need a jump start on this getting in shape thing, and to have a plan of sorts developed for me. Otherwise I don't push myself, and I'll get really discouraged if I don't see results right away, etc. He even said he'd email me with meal plans and stuff. And he flattered me by telling me that I look good, but he can help me look fabulous - in so many words. Of course, the one thing he hasn't discussed with me is price, so I'll have to see about all this.
Oh I'm sleepy!
At 4:30 this afternoon, my boss came out of his office, ready to leave. And told me that he'd just heard from his wife, who'd just gotten back from a doctor's appointment, and the biochemotherapy that she's receiving for her melanoma (which has recently metastasized (sp?) into her lungs) isn't working. She's had two out of a possible four treatments so far. But because it isn't working, the doctors aren't going forward with the third treatment. My boss said that "they'd now look into other alternatives", but from everything he's told us, this biochemo was kind of the last big thing. He was calm when he told me all this, in a sort of shocked way. The hardest thing for me was that his eyes were red, so I know he'd been crying. It broke my heart. His wife is only 52, and her options have really run out. I don't know what they'll be trying now, but I imagine that it would only be something meant to slightly prolong her life, because a cure seems out of the question, barring a miracle. I feel so awful for them.
I'm ridiculously tired! My laundry must be finished in the washer soon, so I need to see to that and let myself sleep!