Funny stuff, sad stuff, and some random stuff
There were moments of hilarity today, and also some moments of sadness. On the hilarity side, my boss got our little joke "letter" in the mail and about 50% of him suspected The Meat of being behind it, but the other 50% was thinking that maybe it was for real. I did such a good job of keeping a straight face, too!! We played along for a bit before having to come clean because we were laughing too hard. I took pictures of the letter and also saved it for posterity! We're now starting to brainstorm for our next little prank on him :)
One of the moments of sadness involved a lawyer who we see now and then. She's a little odd but very nice, although I've always personally found her a bit annoying. But that's totally beside the point. She used to be really overweight and over the past two years she's been on Atkins and has managed to drop a ton of weight. The Meat also helped her get a new job just a couple months ago, one that promised her a steady paycheck and health insurance. Today we heard that she has pancreatic cancer and six months to live. Oh, and she's only 45.
I was shocked for the first five minutes after hearing this news. And really sad, it's so incredibly sad. She's so young, and she's been making her life so much better. And now she has six months or less to live. She's Greek, so we've heard that her plan is to pack up and move to Greece until the end. We think she probably has family over there.
I get teary-eyed just imagining what she must be going through. And imagining what I would do if I were in that situation. When I think about telling certain people, I start getting choked up almost immediately. It's just so terrible, and so unfair - she's young and she's alive now, and soon she won't be. And the world will just go on. I hope there are people who will remember her often, because I don't like to think of anyone dying and just being forgotten. I know part of that is for selfish reasons.
I want to live until I'm 90 or 100 (in a relatively healthy state, of course) so that I'm able to live a full life filled with laughter and love and so many experiences - I want the whole rollercoaster ride, the exciting and long rollercoaster! And I want to have the opportunity to touch people's lives, so I won't be so quickly forgotten. I know it's a little silly, because life has to go on - the circle and all that. But it bothers me. And scares me a bit. And I wish I could have a full-body x-ray right now to make sure that there's nothing growing inside me that shouldn't be there. (That's nothing new - I often want that full-body x-ray, and wish I could get about 6 of them per year. I hate not being able to know if there's some tumor growing in me.)
In other news, my place has magically made itself so cluttered and gross again. It's amazing how easily I can mess a place up. I need to work on cleaning it tomorrow as soon as I get home.
I want SP to be able to come over soon, but I'm not sure when he'll be able to next come - he's going to be out of town this weekend, so we'll have to plan something different. I love our times here, because of the hot sex action and very interesting play that we engage in and also because of the sharing moments and physical, mental and emotional closeness. There's a wonderful connection and friendship as well as great sexual fun, and I know it's spoiling me quite a bit right now. But I think I'm okay with it for the moment and can handle it.
James is sleeping on the chair next to me now - I love how he follows me to whereever I am! I have "his" dining room chair pulled right next to mine, and placemats on it to make it softer for him, because he's always there when I'm sitting at the table. And little Emmalove just woke up a few minutes ago and is mewing for love - she always sits just out of reach and stares at me and cries a little until I get up to give her love, and then she goes running happily so I have to chase her down! And when I sit back down, she repeats the whole thing over again, she's so silly! I love and adore my little babies so incredibly much!!!! They are my little angels of happiness!
I'm off to bed now, I took way too long writing this! Please please please let me be able to get up at 5 a.m. so I can get some work done!!!!!!!