A blah blah start to the new year
Now I'm trying to get rid of the melancholy and lonely and kind of sad mood that I've had most of the day. I'm thinking that I can blame it on either 1) hormones due to period or 2) the fact that I feel like I'm getting a cold - at least my throat is really feeling like it. But I don't want to be sad on the first day of the new year, cause psychologically it's a new start in a way!!! And I don't want to start out on a bad foot!!!!
So I'm determined to rally a bit, and since the movies are over, it's working a little! Yay! And so as soon as I finish this I'm going to set up my new printer, oh and then vacuum, too!! And then I want to get my paints out and paint something, hopefully something I'll like! I was so inspired because Violet posted a picture that her grandmother painted on her site, and it's just gorgeous! And makes me just itch to paint!
Last night at The Italian Chef's house was fun and laid back. And a few times I found myself just sitting back and listening to all the fun and animated conversation and wishing that my whole family lived on the same block as well. I think I'd like the constant company and having people around all the time, even though it would take some getting used to initally, since I'm used to being alone all the time right now. Anyway, we watched the ball drop in New York, and Florida, Asparagus, The Narcoleptic and I left soon after that, and I got home six minutes before our own new year, so I kissed James and Emma!!!
So now, I'm going to not think about being lonely and all by myself, and not wonder if I'll ever find love, and instead I'll put some happy music on and get off my ass!!! My mood is lifting already now!!! :)