Oh happy day!
Yesterday my parents drove me back to Chicago and then spent the night here with me, and it was so fun to have them here, so peaceful and non-lonely. This morning I got ready for work, wished my dad a happy 60th birthday, and then gave and received huge hugs from both of them before I headed to work. They got ready and took off to Wisconsin after that to visit relatives for the next two days. I got teary on the bus a little on the way to work, just thinking of how nice it felt to have them here, and thinking of their hugs and the loving looks they gave me as they said goodbye. I adore my parents!
And now, my exciting news! I got the most wonderful Christmas present! But after catching up on some people's blogs tonight, I feel almost bad feeling so excited about a thing - everyone else is talking about such real things to be thankful for! And I am so so so thankful for all those things, and feel such peace and happiness following Christmas as a result of the time spent with my family who I love. And I know the things that are really important, and those don't include things.
But I'm also so excited because - I got a digital SLR camera!!! Yay!!!!!!!! Anyone who knows me knows that I love love love love my cameras and taking pictures!!! And my new camera - the Olympus E-500, is so incredible already, and I'm only doing point-and-shoot so far! I love it! It takes such amazing and incredible pictures!! I've just begun reading the manual on it, and I plan to buy myself the book that I bought for my dad for Christmas: Digital SLRs for Dummies. He already has learned so much from that book! And tonight, I bought UV Filters for the two lenses, and also a camera backpack - oh so exciting!!!! I only just downloaded the pictures I've taken this far, but haven't had a chance to go through any of them yet, and I need to go to bed now as I'm soooo sleepy! So you'll have to wait to see any photos taken with the new camera, and instead I'll share a picture taken with my Olympus Zoom of my Olympus SLR!!!! :)
Isn't it beautiful!!!! (Well, I know the picture itself is shit, but you get the point!) And now, goodnight!