Too much action is annoying! (I'm not talking about THAT kind of action, though!)
Don't get me wrong - I haven't been mean to her, just annoyed. She's starting to feel better today, which is so good! But that means she's not sitting on the couch and resting like she should be and is instead walking around and trying to find things to do. At least it's been that way for the past six hours. This morning she went to the doctor's office and got the tube taken out of her neck and received the final pathology report: all benign. When she got back here she was really tired so slept on the couch until 2:30. After she woke up, I made us some soup so she could eat real food, and even while she was eating she asked me three times to get the paper and mail. And asked me to put some of her books away. And then asked again. And then other stuff.
I'm a kind of lazy person, I know that. So while I will get things done eventually, I wait awhile to get started. And then maybe accomplish only some of the things. My mom is an action person, so when she gets it in mind to get stuff done, she wants to get started THAT MINUTE and is antsy and nagging until it gets done. Ughhhhhhh!!!! Drvies me crazy sometimes!!!! She cleaned half the kitchen herself because she just wouldn't sit still. Which also annoyed me.
However, in the midst of my annoyance this afternoon, I also stumbled upon some fun! A little dorky fun, but fun for me regardless! I went into my mom's closet to find a pair of my dad's pajama bottoms for her to wear, and happened to look up and see my baby book and some other keepsake treasures! So I returned downstairs with the baby book, a few of my brother and my favorite children's books that my mom had saved, and a box with a bunch of old school and professional photos of us.
And also in this pile were two things that I've thought about every once in awhile and thought may have been lost: a short story I wrote in 8th grade that won first place in a local writing contest, and a choose-your-own-adventure book that I wrote and put together in 5th grade while taking extra classes!!! How fun!!! I loved re-reading them, especially the 8th grade story! It was set in Ancient Greece and had as characters three of the gods up on Mount Olympus, as well as a human girl who was beautiful but self-absorbed only with her own beauty, power, and wealth. For her sins, the gods turned her into a diamond - where she would always have beauty, power, and wealth. I remember writing the story and being so proud of it! And after re-reading it, I have to say that it wasn't too bad, and was quite, quite good for a 13-year-old!
I also went through my entire baby book, and loved reading my mom's little narrative of my development, month by month for my first two years, and every three months after that, until I was 7 1/2. It's fascinating how much little babies learn and how they change each month, and how they quickly become little people! It's also fascinating how much of our respective characters are nature - after all, babies are born with such different personalities! I read my brother's baby book after my own, and as children we were completely different, almost opposites. And from reading my mom's notes, our various characteristics were showing up at really early ages, before nurture could have too much of an effect. Of course, I also see really big differences in how I was as a child and who I am now, but I don't think I could ever now be like my brother was then, it's just not in my nature. My own personal view on the nature/nurture issue, from what I learned as a psychology major to everything I've observed and learned since, is that the genes and/or soul we're born with determines the perimeters within which our character and personality will almost always fall (I see it as a cube of sorts in my mind), and then our nurture/life experiences determine where within that box we actually fall - with that of course changing slightly as well as we grow. Anyway, it's such an interesting topic for me to both think about myself and discuss! And I loved reading how I was then while knowing how I am now.