Once again, short post - but it's my fault this time
I didn't get my computer last night and I'm not going to get it tonight either, and tomorrow is guitar, so hopefully on Thursday I'll be able to collect it.
We've been so busy at work today, my poor boss had a hard day! And as a result, it's almost 5:30 and I need to leave soon cause I'm getting some action! Not a lot, since I have my period, but it's always exciting. And while I was home over Thanksgiving, I had sex dreams almost every night and I think I orgasmed in my sleep at least once a night. Right before and during my period, I'm just horny as all hell! So it's just kick-ass timing that some action was suggested just this afternoon!
Tomorrow I'll have much more time and be able to tell about a book I bought yesterday :) Well, I bought two books actually. One of Rumi poetry, inspired by WDKY, and I hold the book like it's so precious. (On a side note, I spent about an hour sitting on the floor in front of the bookshelf looking at all the available books on Rumi, and my mom would have had a heart attack if she walked by since I was sitting in the Religion section under Islam!) The other book is the one I'll talk more about tomorrow - it's about sex!