For you who were wondering, I have written about my history with The German. However, since I haven't yet fixed all the formatting issues, it will be quite difficult for anyone to scroll through and find it. So...tomorrow I'll provide that link and also write whatever happens to be on my mind about him. In short, though, he's so wonderful, and I adore him, and on this December 7th we'll have been broken up for two years. And I haven't seriously dated anyone in those two years. It's not as if I think about The German all the time or am still stuck on him. But at times the old feelings do come to the surface.
Anyway, though, I have to go write up the agenda and make copies and write up my little auxiliary report! I hate that. And then I need to swing by the Hancock to pick up The German's check, deposit it, and get to the meeting. I'm going to be so happy when I get home tonight! And I'll practice guitar more for tomorrow's lesson!