Fun weekend plans and other random stuff
I forgot to write this yesterday, but I was talking to Firecracker on Wednesday night, and she said she's bringing sparkling cider (if she can find it) for our dinner at Violet's on Saturday, so there wouldn't be any wine there to tempt me. Isn't that the nicest and sweetest and most wonderful thing! It made me so happy and I smile whenever I think of it! I love my friends!!!
Yesterday I got the hottest email! It was so fabulous and made me juice right up as well! And I've re-read it numerous times. I also just printed it out so I can have it with me over the weekend. It makes me so happy when I read it! And horny! And I'm never going to delete it.
Today, The Meat brought pictures of himself for us to look at, at various ages. They were fabulous! And he was hot! I love looking at pictures from when people are young!
Last night I was bad. And I'm feeling terrible and so pissed off at myself because of it. The idea came and the decision was made so fast. And once the decision is made in my mind, I don't want to call one of my friends to try to talk me out of it. So I bought a bottle of wine. And drank it all, and then went back out and bought another bottle and drank half of it before passing out on the couch. I'm just reporting, because of course this is my place to be honest and document things. I'm back on the wagon again as of today and determined to do better. And I'm really going to force myself to go to an AA meeting on Monday. It's right by my house, but the last two Mondays I've made excuses to not go. But this Monday I'll go.
On a completely different subject, James has decided to stop using his litter pan for the most part, and instead prefers using the bathtub. This has been going on now for the past three weeks. When I see him heading for the bathtub or in the bathtub, I pick him up and put him in the litter pan (which is in the bedroom). But every day there's a poopy in the tub. And I've seen him pee in there too, although he's quite considerate and pees right by the drain. Honestly, I don't mind so much, because it's easy enough to pick up his poopy and flush it down the toilet, and to wash down the pee I just turn on the water for a few seconds. But it's become a complete habit for him now. And his poopy smells, which is how I know before I even see the poopy that it's in the tub. BTW, I use the term "poopy" for the kittens, but I don't go around referring to people's shit as poopy. It's the cute kitten talk, as I say to James: "You went poopy in the shower again, you bad boy!" Anyway, I don't see how I'm going to get him to stop. I think he likes not having to step in the litter. Well, my mom did suggest shutting the bathroom door, so I'll try that for awhile and see if it will break him of the habit. But something tells me he'll start back up whenever the door is open. Little Emma is perfect, of course, so feminine and clean and always using the litter pan. Oh - this gives me a reason to put up pictures of my sweet babies!!! The first one is of James - I love when I get a picture of him looking pissy!! He was thinking "enough already with the fucking pictures, Mom!" And the second one is of my sweet little Emma - she's so cute!!!
Oh, and I'm going to be having sex sometime soon - yay! A plan is in the works with an old friend. I don't know when yet, but it'll be within the next couple weeks. And also, I'm getting myself a highly recommended Hitachi Magic Wand this weekend!! Last time I went to my local sex store (The Pleasure Chest) they were out, but it's been a month so I'm sure they'll be restocked now. I really need a new toy to play with!