Wet, wet, wet in my pants
Speaking of horny, this weekend I ordered the movie Brown Bunny on pay-per-view. I was curious, since I knew it got booed at I think Cannes, or one of the other festivals. But I knew that Vincent Gallo had redone parts of it, and the description said it was one of the best studies of male sexuality, or something like that.
Through most of the movie I was only half paying attention. It was a lot of driving on the road, short interactions with women, and very little dialog. But then, near the end, Vincent's character was in a hotel room and Chloe Sevigny's character came in, and I started to pay attention. Their interaction was interesting, and I was drawn in. Then they started kissing. It was beautifully shot - closeups, no background music, whispers from the characters. And THEN, Chloe Sevigny went down on Vincent Gallo, and I mean FOR REAL. Yes, you saw his dick in her mouth, her giving him a full-on blow. My mouth was literally hanging open. First from shock, and then because it was really intense. Afterward, Vincent laid down on the bed and talked to Chloe, and what you find out is really shocking. And the movie ends with a short closeup of Vincent driving. (I did intend to put a nice kissing picture here of Vincent and Chloe, but Blogger isn't complying.
The next day I replayed the end of the movie, starting with when Chloe's character comes to the hotel room. And I recorded it. What can I say, I like my porn, and this was artful, emotionally intense porn. I watched through to the end and was just as shocked and touched as I had been the night before. I read a quote from one critic who said "It's not normal to recommend a movie that's ridiculously, agonizingly dull for its first 70 minutes, but the plotless 'Brown Bunny' defies normalcy." I agree completely. And the last 20 minutes really make up for the all the boringness that came before. Plus, it has really hot oral sex.
And I like oral sex! And all sex! And any sex! (Okay, not ANY sex - I don't want bad sex). But I do want some sex, and I'm going to get some soon!!!