Completion of update to present
First of all, how exciting is it that the White Sox are going to the World Series!!?? I was so excited for them last night. And for all the fans. And for some reason I wasn't even worried, I just knew they'd win.
Quick weekend update and then I have to change to walk home. On Friday night, I just battled with my computer and talked to mom about it, and searched around for the Best Buy warranty even though I told my mom I knew she had it - I'm so unorganized and lose things like that so of course I told her to keep it. And whadya know, she found it there!
Saturday, I woke up early and drank lots of wonderful coffee, tried again to get my computer to work to no avail, and then met Florida for breakfast, ummm, eggs! I love them! I went back to her house so she could bind off, or whatever the term is, a scarf that I had knit a long time ago. And then I watched football with Florida and Asparagus for awhile, with all of us praying that Notre Dame would lose, with me praying that Michigan would win, with Asparagus watching Northwestern while I hoped Purdue beat them since my brother went there.
The funny business that occurred while I was there - Asparagus had gone golfing that morning and got a little sap from a pine tree in his hair. He was very dramatic about it, how much it hurt, how he "wouldn't wish this on anyone", etc. It was hilarious!!! I was crying from laughing so hard, as he twice shampooed his hair in the sink, thought it had come out and got all excited, only to be so disappointed when it was still in there. Florida and I were suggesting all kinds of things and secretly hoping that he had to go through all of them, since it was just so funny! After the shampoo, he finally tried the peanut butter that Florida suggested and it did work, but only after we got many more laughs at his hair sticking straight up with PB in it. Oh funny stuff!!! Asparagus, you make me laugh!
I went home for a bit to give love to James and Emma, and then got spiffed up just a bit, through my yawning, and headed to a Sun Volt concert with Florida and Asparagus. Florida and I scored the perfect seats - a couch at the side and toward the back on the first floor - we were some of the only people who got to sit during the concert, cause no one could stand in front of us! The opening band, something Bats, maybe Fruit Bats, played good music but the lead singer's voice was sometimes like nails on a chalkboard. And Sun Volt was wonderful! It wasn't as loud where we were sitting, but Asparagus said it was much louder in the middle where he went to stand. They played really good music, and I just love watching the guitar and bass players when they're really jamming - it's amazing how fast they can move their hands! They must be the absolute best at manual stimulation of a woman, I've thought that before. Cause their hands and arms don't get tired cause they're used to it, and they have great finger muscles and flexibility!
The band finished at around 12:30 am, and we were all yawning, and had second-hand smoked two packs of cigarettes each. I got home at 1 and showered and read a little while my hair dried before going to sleep. And then yesterday, I was so lazy. I slept until noon and then spent the day watching movies and knitting a new scarf. I finished the scarf, except for the binding off part. It's really soft and I like that, but I'm not sure about the color on me. I may give it to Bitch TSIL for Christmas! But I'll see, since it is soft. And of course, extremely well done :)
Okay, it's 5:15, I need to change and get walking. It's starting to get dark out so early :( I'm going to see if I can get some pictures in here, cause I have great pictures to insert if only they would show up when it says they should!!! Now I'm f*cking so pissed that none of my pictures will show up!!!!! What the F is going on???? This is ridiculous!!!!!
Tomorrow I will post a couple of my little written out things, and I guess also try to put in the f*cking pictures as well. This whole picture thing is really pissing me off, so I'm going to take a deep breath here and go change to walk home - and in the GORGEOUS weather we're having right now!!!