Oh funniness!!!!
Or so I thought. Shortly later he tested my teensy bit of pms-patience by refusing to accept that cats were as wonderful as dogs and could be loved just as much. I was yelling by the end of that conversation!!! Yes, a full on yell, which is very unlike normally laid-back me. And don’t get me wrong – I love dogs! I had the most wonderful English cocker spaniel from age 10 to 21, and I fully believe that she was my soul mate in a dog. I still have a framed picture of us on my sidetable, and a little album of our life together displayed in my bookcase. But I also adore my James and Emma and as I told him, I would KILL anyone who hurt them!!!! And they are just as good as any dog, and make my life so amazingly wonderful! They are my family and my babies!!!!
Well, enough of that. In the wake of my moodiness, I’ve decided to relate one of my favorite funny stories. I hope it’s funny to other people. Because I know the guy, I was almost peeing in my pants when he told me this, his most embarrassing story:
This guy has a sleeping disorder. He takes naps throughout the day, as well as falls asleep often when just sitting there. He’s usually good at knowing when he’s about to really be out of it, and goes to a conference room for a nap. One other thing you need to know – when he really, really falls asleep during these times, and they are usually for relatively short periods of time (maybe a half hour or so), his body is basically paralyzed even though he may half wake up for a few seconds sometimes.
A few years ago, he had gotten home to his apartment from the gym and stripped naked, wanting to take a shower before napping. But then the tiredness came over him in wave and he backed against a wall, slid down, and fell into his deep sleep. Sometime during this time he woke up but was in his paralyzed mode, and remember, he was naked. And with his legs spread open.
And between his legs, there was a mouse, sniffing around for food!
He said he’s never been so scared before, because there was nothing he could do. He couldn’t move, he couldn't wake up, and he fell back asleep just after that! He gets so embarrassed telling that story, but I can’t stop laughing, just knowing him!!
However, not knowing the guy, I imagine the guys out there would be a bit more on his side than mine :)
Now I'll go to sleep with a smile on face, because I'll fall asleep laughing!!!! Mrawhahahahahhaha!!!! :)