PMS returns with a vengence
I want to smack someone or beat my own head against the wall. And I feel like getting in a fight. I feel like yelling at someone.
Do you know what else is pissing me off? It has been 5 1/2 weeks since I have had sex, and there's no one, not even one person, who I even want to have sex with. All men just suck. Suck, suck, suck, suck, suck!!!! Well okay, to be fair, there are a few good ones out there, but none for me, and that's where my anger comes in. Now I feel bad making such a huge generalization. And dammit, I don't want to be feeling bad today, I just want to be pissed!
I also hate being president of my volunteer group, I hate being in charge and having to think of stuff. And I'm not organized and I just hate it. And I keep getting hot and then getting cold in this stupid building.
I'm playing a witness tonight for a deposition for The Meat's class, and he said it will work out perfectly, because I'm playing the bitchy bad woman, and that's how I feel today, and my eyes keep sending daggers everywhere I look!