Getting Head
The current trial doesn't have me sexually charged, due to the fact that very good lawyers are involved, it's a pretty interesting trial, and there's not a lot of unnecessary testimony during which I can daydream to my heart's content. However, I did almost dissolve into giggles on Monday during a discussion of the pressure of certain pumps, which is measured in PSI's. Apparently, 1 PSI, from below, will cause water to raise 2.31 feet in a column into the air, otherwise referred to as Feet of Head or Discharge Pressure. I'm not kidding, that's really what it's called! And of course, the guy who was testifying about all this was from Wales originally, so not only was he constantly using the terms Feet of Head and Discharge Pressure as natural terms, but was doing so in his very proper accent! It was hysterical!!
And THEN, I started thinking - "giving head", "getting head" - yes, the top of the penis can be known as the head, but maybe the phrases "giving head" and "getting head" didn't originate because of that. Maybe instead they came from engineering talk!! The penis discharges, and that's the head, or something like that. Anyway, the whole thing was quite amusing for me! I also kind of like another term we've heard in this trial: "proportionater" - sounds very Ahr-nold-ish: "I will send you to The Proportionater!"
Oh the things that give me pleasure!!!