Champion White Sox and Guitar Playin'

Well my fingers have recovered from the ass-kicking in guitar class last night. I'm determined to practice a little every single day from now on, both to get my calluses back and to get much faster with my chord changes. Last night was a rude awakening, because the teacher Arlo played all the songs at normal speeds as opposed to other teachers who went really slowly for us novices. But everyone else in class seemed to be keeping up! What the fuck!!!? I can understand with regard to the people who had Arlo last session, but what about everyone else? So anyway, I need to practice so I can keep up.
Arlo was really cool though, and we did three pretty cool songs. And he's encouraging us to email him songs that we'd like to learn, along with an mp3 of the songs, and he'll pick songs that he thinks can work for our class. And what's nice is that he has a website so he'll post all the songs along with mp3s of the songs, and sometimes in the past I've forgotten how a song went after I left class. He'll also post the songs we'll be learning a couple days before class, which is good so I can practice a little beforehand and be ready!
I had mentioned before that Arlo was cute, and he is, but unfortunately not a possible interest. And yes, I say this based only on superficial reasons. He's either shorter than me or the exact same height, and he's as skinny as a rail. But he seems like a good teacher, so it's all cool!
After the class portion of guitar, everyone goes into the performance hall and plays songs together, with the teachers leading us and singing in microphones and all that. It's pretty cool usually, but last night it was Kick Ass!!!! One of the teachers plugged in an electric guitar and played and sang Seasons of the Witch by Donovan and Werewolves of London by Warren Zevon. He was such a cool singer, the songs were so great, and he was jamming on the electric guitar - it was like a concert!! I was half playing along and half just watching him! And it was inspiring, cause I want to be able to play that way!!!
We had nothing up at work and half the people were gone, so I've had a lot of time to be very lazy! I spent a lot of time analyzing different templates by Caz, who is highly recommended by WDKY. I think I've found one I like, but I'd want to change the picture at the top. So I just need to find a picture that I like and then I'll be in business!! Yay!!
I've been in a rather tired funk this week, very very sleepy! Which is kind of why I haven't had much to write about and not to much of interest. I need a really, really good and long sleep!! I'll post one more White Sox celebration picture, and then I'm going to do the few little things that need to be finished before I can leave. Tomorrow I SWEAR I'll have SOMETHING more interesting to talk about!!