Kittens and other little stories
We had some kitten stress at home last night! Little Emma was creeping around in my hall closet, which she got into over the boxes sitting in front of it, and I heard a commotion and saw her backing out over the boxes and with a birthday bag, and then she went running like a bat out of hell into the bedroom, and then from the bedroom into the kitchen, all with the birthday bag attached to her and making a huge racket. One of the handles was probably around her little neck! By the time I got up and ran over there she was in the kitchen and the bag had come off her. She had peed on the kitchen floor a little bit, she was so scared. I scooped her up and held her and told her it was all okay, but her little heart was beating so fast.
James had been in the bedroom and he had come running out after her, and all his fur was standing up at attention and his pupils were almost completely dialated. But then when little Emma looked over my shoulder and saw him, she got the sing-song growl in her throat and she started hissing at him, and then at ME! I put her down and went to James, but he ran in the bedroom and under the bed. So I sat on the floor in the living room and little Emma was in a corner between my chair and couch, and James came creeping out of the bedroom into the hall, but didn't come further and eventually went back under the bed. So I cuddled Emma, whose little body was still very tense.
Two hours later I thought she seemed okay cause she had just been sitting on the couch with me, so I picked her up and took her to the bedroom and showed her James under the bed, and she hissed at him again! And ran out. I told James it was all okay and he was a good James baby, and followed her and picked her up. But James followed us out and she again set to hissing at him and then rearing back in my arms and hissing at me!
So I did what any worried kitten mama would do, and called my mom. She said Emma was just so freaked out by what happened, but didn't know what happened so I just had to work on calming her down. Luckily, soon after that everything worked out, because I picked Emma up again and just held her on the couch, and then James came out to investigate what was going on with his sister. He slowly walked up to us and she didn't hiss but did cry, and I kept petting her and telling her it was okay. And eventually I took her to the bedroom and set her in the litter box, but she jumped out and went to leave. I saw that James had followed us and was so scared there would be a little fight, but she walked right by him. After that they both sort of creeped around each other, and sniffed each other a bit, but it was all sorted out at least. My poor baby Emma had a very hard little kitten night.
My haircut yesterday went wonderfully and my hair is so healthy and pretty and the layers are back in it and it has body and I am quite, quite happy!! I love that place! $13 and I get a professional haircut, just from a student. And the teacher checks it all out afterward and makes any corrections. The first thing they do is to put oil on the scalp and give you a bit of a headrub, it is just HEAVEN!!!! I want someone to do that to me for an hour!!! And the shampoo room is so nice and warm and has aromatherapy floating around in the air. I gave the girl a $7 tip and then stocked up on my Aveda shampoos and conditioners, which cost considerably more. But smell sooooooooo good in the morning, and make my hair both look good and smell good throughout the day! Which is of course very important and worth the extra money I spent.
The Meat brought a recent picture of his oldest son in today - he's 19. I've met him a couple times and he takes after his dad COMPLETELY in the sex appeal way. Fuck!!! I so wish that guy was a few years older, cause he is SO hot, and SO sexy, and I would SO love for him to fuck me. But of course, I'm 29, he's 19, and that is too much for me. But when The Meat said his son could probably teach me a few things, I got a tingle down below and made a photocopy of the picture to keep for myself and my play time :) When I told The Meat that his son is my ideal picture of hotness, he said he should show me a picture of himself when he was young. I told him that I had no doubt he had it going on then, since he still does. And I can tell that his son gets the bad-boy swagger and innate sex appeal from his father.
Tonight my guitar lessons start. My teacher's name is Arlo - and yes, according to his online bio, he was named after Arlo Guthrie. I'm excited. But didn't practice last night since James and Emma don't like the guitar and I didn't want to disturb the already fragile sense of peace we'd reached. So, as soon as I finish this, I'm going into my boss's office to practice my chords so I don't completely embarrass myself tonight. But I know that after two hours of playing tonight, my fingers will be ON FIRE!
It's fucking cold outside. And it's cold in the office, too. I'm about to put my jacket on.
I got a new lipstick the other day, and I feel like a new woman! It's so exciting, and yes, I know I am such a dork!
I want to get a new layout/format/whatever the word I'm looking for, for this blog. I'm bored with how it looks now. I want something new. Template, that's the word. I've been thinking about this for the past month. But it will probably take me awhile to find one that I really like, and then do what I need to do. Still, it's in the works.
Hmmm, any other useless bits of info? I'm bored but can't seem to think of anything else even though I know there's a plethora of subjects and bits on which I've recently planned to write. But I do need to go practice guitar now. I can't wait until I'm good enough to learn a little bit of finger picking!!!