Happy Monday!
I'm in quite good spirits today. The biggest reason I can't really talk about, but I am flattered, reinvigorated, and reminded that I've got It as a result. And kind of excited, kind of nervous, and just happy! And I'll say it again, Reinvigorated.
I also went to the gym at lunch, so I'm feeling proud of myself and back in the saddle w/ regard to working out.
Also, the 4th Harry Potter movie comes out in less than three weeks, and "Rent" - the movie version - comes out on November 23rd. I saw a preview this morning for Rent and holy shit does it look amazing!!!
My fingers are also feeling wonderfully sore from practicing guitar, and I'm looking forward to practicing tonight again!
I just read Violet's blog, and she wrote about her reaction to watching Grey's Anatomy last night. I was planning on writing about the same, because I was weeping!!! Yes, full on can-hardly-breath, tears-streaming-down-face weeping. In case you don't watch the show or don't have it available to watch due to living in another country, it's a doctor show, set around a group of interns and their supervisors at a hospital. Yesterday's plot involved a train wreck (yes, I know, it's very TV-world) and two passengers who had just met had a metal pole go through their abdomens, so they were facing each other, both awake. The doctors knew only one of them would survive, depending on who they could leave the pole in while they slowly patched up. The one who got removed from the pole would die from blood loss. So the doctors had to make a decision as to who would live! Holy shit! They chose the older man because he had much less damage and a much greater chance of surviving at all. The patient who had to die was a young girl who was engaged. And she was so sweet, and cracking jokes, until they had to tell her in so many words that she was going to die. And she was so brave then!! It makes me want to cry now just thinking about it! Her fiance wasn't there for her to say goodbye to, and she was brave and said not to wait for him - all because the longer they waited, the higher the probability of the man dying. So she told one of the doctors a message to tell her fiance: "If love was enough, I'd be here beside you right now." I couldn't stop weeping - for the character, and for me too, just imagining being in that situation and knowing that I wasn't going to wake up after they put me out. And that I couldn't say goodbye to my parents and friends. I was going through in my head and thinking of what I would make the doctors write down to tell my mom, dad, brother, grandma, grandpa, and many of my friends. And imagining James and Emma without a momma. Shit. You can see now why I was weeping!!!!
Emmalove had two more outbursts of hissing this weekend. One just from me feeling around for furballs on her neck - my mom said it might have reminded her of the feeling of the bag handle around her little neck. And one when I picked her up near the kitchen and I think she saw the evil bag still sitting on the kitchen counter. She was good all day yesterday, and this morning. I'm still hesitant around her though, not wanting to pick her up too much. It was traumatic for me having her hissing at me! On Saturday night after she saw the bag on the counter, she turned around in my arms and hissed directed in my face, and then after I put her down and moved away to the middle of the floor in the living room, she crept toward the bedroom and on her way she stopped, looked straight at me, and hissed again. It broke my heart!!! And I burst into tears!!! She's normally the sweetest kitty ever, she doesn't have a mean bone in her little body. So I was scared that I had ruined her in some way by allowing there to be a bag in the house with uncut handles, and I was also scared that she didn't love me anymore. Luckily she seems to be back to her sweet little self, but it was hard on me having her hiss at me like that!!!
Last night I finished the book Eleven Minutes by Paulo Coelho. I love his books. They make me think. And they have so many wonderful things in them. Halfway through I decided to start underlining and making notes along the way as I read it. I wrote up some stuff about it last night, but I'm not ready to post it just yet - needs some more analysis and editing. Last night I went back and started his most famous book, The Alchemist. It's been a few years since I last read it and I just remember finding it so wonderful for all the ideas in it.
I'm trying to decided what color base I want my new template to be, when I put it up. I asked The Meat this morning what color I was/my aura was. He said he had to think about it and would let me know. I also asked The German. His response came a few hours later, in typical The German fashion: "Your color is silly pink (like the girl's center)." Nice. Well that's for sure not what color my new blog template will be!