My New Template - Yay!!!!
I spent the day with The German yesterday and it was just wonderful and perfect. I'm going to write more about it tomorrow and put up pictures to go along with it! He was so wonderful, though, because he spent over an hour helping me get the picture into the template and get rid of the original picture. I don't know Photoshop at all, so I never would have been able to do this without him.
Right now I'm at an internet cafe and I don't have much time left, cause I was putting in this new template and fiddling with it to get certain parts right, or at least better than they were. It's windy as all fucking hell outside! A few times on the walk over here I thought I was going to blow over, and a few other times I doubted whether I'd be able to walk forward against the force! But, I made it, uphill and through five feet of snow both ways :)
When I'm finished here in a few minutes, I'm heading to get cat litter and new cat hairbrush, and then stuff to make cupcakes for work tomorrow - it's my boss's birthday today so I thought I'd surprise him and bring cupcakes in for everyone tomorrow! And also, I'm going to paint tonight. I got an idea in my head for something I wanted to paint. Not that it will come out looking at all like the picture in my head, but it will be fun nonetheless!
Okay, I'm going to try to take the formatting out of a couple more posts before I get shut down here! I'm so excited to join all you cool people and get a new template, too!!!!