How The German is so wonderful
I'll go back to my wonderful Saturday! The German came over around 11 am, and cooked up some scrambled eggs and bacon - my favorite! Then we tried to take my annual Christmas picture - me, James and Emma together. Yes, it's my family photo, and everyone gets one in their Christmas card!! But man, is it hard to do! James and Emma love it when I hold them individually, but once I have them both and have their little butts sitting on a pillow on my lap and try to get them both happy and looking at the camera - well, neither of them is happy and there's a lot of little cries. The first round of pictures were terrible as either James or Emma was trying to escape in every picture. And I cut their claws after that, too. The second round was acceptable and some turned out okay, but they were too close-up and I just didn't like the lighting too much. The third round had terrible lighting. So this weekend we'll have to try again!

After that we walked to the zoo and walked through to see our favorite animals. Mine - tigers, The German's - pigs. And we happened to just in time to watch the cows get milked! Did you know that a cow only produces milk for about 300 days after she gives birth, and after that she dries up and you have to get her knocked up again? I had no idea! So it was interesting!
I was feeling tired and also had a bit of a stomach ache, so we

And then, we went swimming! The pool is on the 44th floor and is just wonderful - warm, and no one else was in it. It was very windy outside and we could actually see the glass shake, which is a little disconcerting but also kind of cool to see how it can bend. Oh I just loved swimming!!! I love the feeling of my body gliding

So after that, we went back upstairs and The German made us coffee and cut us little slices of terimisu (oh fuck, I know I butchered the spelling but I'm not going to look it up). And then I taught him how to sew a button on - so domestic! He sewed the second one on and I finished up with the third. And then we watched the little movie For All Mankind, which contains video from all the Apollo space flights and walks on the moon. Kind of cool, I'd never known some of that stuff or seen so much actual footage. I love seeing it when it's REAL! Finally, sleepy me went home after a lovely day with The German.

So, I called one of the cards that had sent me an offer. And I was denied. So called The German back and cried to him over the phone. He pumped me back up, and I called a second one. It was all automated, so I'll get a letter telling me what the decision is. I called The German back feeling at least better cause I didn't know whether I'd be denied. Then he applied online for me to another, while I was on the phone. Denied. But he was so wonderful about the whole thing.
This weekend he hinted at it, and today he told me over instant messenger that he's going to loan me $8,000 at no interest, so I can pay off two of the cards. And he doesn't want me to start repaying him for an entire year. That's because I'm going to call my mom tonight and get her to loan me $4,000, and The German wants me to be able to pay back only my mom this year, so she'll be happy. And after that I'll pay him $300/month or more as I can afford it. He's going to write a check tonight and I can pick it up at his front desk tomorrow.
This is the most amazing thing that he's doing for me. He's loaning me a huge amount of money, and getting nothing in return, not even interest. And all because he wants me to get out of this debt and he's seen that once someone gets in it, it's really hard to get out cause the cards you have are charging such high interest and no one will give you new cards with low rates. So I've been paying mostly just the finance charges each month for the past number of months. I keep telling him how thankful I am and humbled and that I don't deserve it, and his only response: "Don't say that again, you do deserve it." He's just amazing and has made me so happy. And tonight I'll call my mom, and also plan out a budget for myself that lays out how much I'll pay my mom each month, how much (estimated) for other bills, and how much is left over for spending.
I feel so hopeful because of this! I will get rid of the cards (I haven't actually used any of them for probably a year, but that's because they are all maxed out), and be able to make payments that will actually go against the principle. And I'll start making more money in the near future as well! I love Hope, it's just an amazing thing!!! And The German is the most wonderful and amazing friend, and I completely adore him. I don't know how I'm going to find a guy as good as he is in his ways, and who I feel as comfortable around and makes me feel so wonderfully loved.