Tylenol Allergy REALLY works
Update on my computer - I went last Saturday to Best Buy to pick it up, and they couldn't find it anywhere. Eventually they saw that it was sent back to the service center just after Thanksgiving because even though the service center had reported that they fixed everything, they didn't. The power chord still wasn't working. The guy helping me was so nice and apologized profusely for the service center. He said it happens frequently that they receive computers back and the problems haven't been fixed, so they have to resend it, asking the guys to actually fix it the second time. I should have it back in another week, according to the guy.
The second dose of Tylenol Allergy is really kicking in now. I should have just waited longer for the first dose to work, cause I'm feeling really out of it now.
By the way, this past weekend was just wonderful! On Friday night we had a surprise 30th birthday party for Florida, and the surprise worked!!! Asparagus did a wonderful job planning it!!! Florida thought that she, Asparagus and I were going to dinner that night, and the next night she'd be seeing other friends out in the burbs. When we were almost to the restaurant, we had a neighbor call Asparagus to tell him that a pipe burst and there was water running down the wall in the guy's apartment and probably in Florida and Asparagus's place. In the cab going there, Flordia was saying it was Asparagus's fault for courtesy flushing. And Asparagus and I were perfect liars, cause we never once cracked a smile the whole time! When we got to their apartment, Florida saw appetizers sitting out and coats on the bed, so she knew something was up. But when she walked into the kitchen, I don't think she expected that many people to be there! It was wonderful!!! And the chocolate cake I made went over well, too! It was a really fun night! And also, I wasn't tempted at all to drink, which I was worried about since it was the first time I was around people drinking since I've stopped. And that reminds me...
Today it has been four weeks since my last drink!! I'm so proud of myself! Yay!!!
On Saturday I had a rendezvoux with my hookup buddy in the morning, and then The German came over later to take my family Christmas picture with me, James and Emma. We took tons of pictures and most didn't turn out perfectly, but some of them turned out really cute! So now I just need to decide which one I like. And The German is going to help me by using photoshop to take out the background in the picture and put in some Christmas background! On Saturday night I started knitting a new scarf while watching the third Harry Potter movie on HBO.
And Sunday was a fabulous day!! I went with Florida and Asparagus out to Asparagus's dad's house in the burbs to watch the Bears-Packers game. I absolutely ADORE Asparagus's dad. (I'll call him A-dad for short. I know it's not very creative, but there are so many silly and crazy things about him that I can't possibly focus on just one!) He is the funniest man, and so silly, and just wonderfully funny! First of all, there's his house. Florida and Asparagus had warned me, and they didn't exaggerate at all. It smells terrible. It's so messy and undecorated or sloppily decorated. And his three cats for real rule the house. Another thing - he loves reading about history such as the Roman Empire and ancient Egypt, and watches the History Channel and Learning Channel and all that, but he also loves MTV and BET and listening to Christina Aguilera and Beyonce. And I guess blaring the music in the summer. And he pours the cat's old litter into a neighbor's yard. He is sooooooo silly! And has me in absolute stitches when I'm around him!!!
After the game, the four of drove around Lake Forest and looked at all the mansions there, and

I REALLY wish now that I hadn't taken the second dose of medicine. I'm sleepy and when I just got up to get hot water for my tea, I was a bit dizzy. Once again I was stupid. At least I'll probably sleep on the train tonight.
Quick update on my mom - she ended up staying in the hospital last night because she was so dizzy and nauseous. So she was planning to go home early this morning. I'll do a wonderful job taking care of her for the new three days, and cleaning her wound and all that. And I'm glad she's home as compared to in the hospital! And I'll be able to use her computer!
I'm tired, I'm out of it, I may go lay down for a bit.