I'm back!!!
The one tiny problem, which I'll have to address soon but isn't an emergency - I'm borrowing someone else's internet because I can't remember for the life of me what my own password key is. I don't even know for sure if I wrote it down anywhere. If I did, I know the notebook it would be in, but of course I have no idea where that notebook has snuck off to. The German said we would have to reset the router or something like that. It might have to be done. My mom would be so frustrated with me and my lack of organization if she were here right now!
But now, I am so incredibly tired. I just had to share my joy at being online at home! The German left just twenty minutes ago, and I need to go to bed. So I can somehow drag my ass out of bed even earlier than I usually plan to get up.
I'm using my computer at home - I'm so happy!!!!!!! :)