Christmas shopping - I can't wait till it's over!
After work I first went to Ann Taylor Loft cause I had a credit for around $60 and tomorrow is our office Christmas party at a restaurant so I wanted something new if I could find anything. And I did - yay! First I found a cute blue cable-knit sweater; it's SLIGHTLY itchy since it has wool in it, but not too bad that I won't wear it. And then there was the prettiest shirt with a very wide and big turtleneck that hangs down, and it fit just amazingly perfectly, so I had to get one in black and one in red - when you find something so perfect, you need to stock up! And then a little red fitted long-sleeve t-shirt rounded out my purchases, and I love my little t-shirts.
After that I went to Marshall Fields and spent way too long mulling over which kind of chocolate truffles to get for my mom for her stocking. I ran into a law student who was interning with us this past semester and is dating one of my co-workers now, and we shared our stress. He seems so young, even though he's 26. And I realized that he's a bit of a close-talker, too. Anyway, I finally picked my chocolate and got some wrapping paper, and then headed to Borders to look for books for my dad.
I mentioned that my dad decided to get into cameras all of a sudden. My mom's really worried that he'll never use the beautiful and gorgeous digital SLR that he decided on - in which case I will oh-so-gladly confiscate it from him in a few months! My dad enjoys researching things, and deciding on things, but once he gets them, they often sit completely unused. But anyway, in the hope that he'll prove us wrong, I got him a Digital SLRs for Dummies book, and a separate book on the Nikon D50, which is the camera he's getting. So hopefully he can learn to use it - as he gets really frustrated with computer stuff, and the menu options are huge on these cameras. Oh - and I also got him a book on realizing the important things in life and changing your focus accordingly. He needs that book, so I'll be checking in on him!!!
Yesterday I found a perfect picture frame for the bitch and my brother - it's cute and classy. And has four little square openings for pictures, so I'm going to put in pictures of my parents' two cats, one of the bitch's cat while she was growing up, and a picture of the puppy that my brother and she fostered last year. That way the frame will be filled until they get their own puppies. My mom also picked up two books on training puppies, so she's letting me give them those, and I'm going to get a couple dog squeaky toys for the future pets. And of course, there's the scarf for the bitch and I just started my brother's scarf tonight - and I'll put a note on those packages that they are for walking the dogs during the winter, cause even Atlanta will get SOME cold weather!
So - finished for Bitch and Brother. Basically finished for my dad - I knitted two feet of his scarf on Sunday, but then ran out of yarn. I probably won't be able to go after work tomorrow, so I'll have to run there during lunch on Thursday. HOWEVER, after I had knitted for hours on Sunday and was getting ready for bed, I put it on the stove since James and Emma like to chew on the needles, and I noticed that the first foot of it (from the first ball of yarn) is noticably lighter than the second one! The stupid yarn was obviously from different stocks! And it looks stupid now! Unless, as Florida pointed out, I can go back to the lighter yarn for the next foot, then darker, and then lighter. So the stupid store better have both hues!!
Anyway, back to mental check-off. My dad is mostly done, Bitch and Brother are mostly done, Grandpa done, Grandma done, stockings for my mom and dad are done. So it just leaves my mom, and I'm not coming up with anything!!!!! She likes computers. And doing geneology. She doesn't like girly stuff. She doesn't wear scarves. I did come up with the idea tonight of getting her some fancy lotion that will minimize scars - so she can start applying that soon to her incision. That would be something she could use! And I still may write her a poem. But what else? She doesn't need a book on researching geneology, cause she's an expert now. And she keeps up on all computer stuff. I HATE this kind of stress! Tomorrow I'll have to do some serious brainstorming!
The Meat called me from his office today and told me he has two free tickets from a friend to the Sing-Along to the Messiah show at The Civic Opera house. He had originally planned to go when his friend offered the tickets, but now he can't, so he offered them to me - he said it's such an inspiration and a really, really amazing experience. So now I'm going tomorrow night with Violet, and I'm so excited! Violet had emailed me about it a week or so ago and I forgot all about even looking it up, since I've never heard of it before. So this is just perfect! I'm really looking forward to it!!
I mentioned that tomorrow is our office party. We're going to a local restaurant and we have a private room. There will be twenty of us all together, and three round tables for eating. It will be a fun time, but who ends up at what table will be key to the fun! I know who I want at my table! I also know who will want to sit with us. A few of us are going to have to go over very early to at least organize our FUN table!!
We have six or so bottles of wine that we're bringing in. Well, not me personally, of course! The Meat knows about my drinking. And tonight I told another co-worker - I need a name for her, but all names I'm coming up with are slightly wrong, and she has so many little good things that would all work for a name but at the same time each one by itself isn't right, and I also need to come up with something that she wouldn't mind if she ran across this. Anyway, I told her, cause I don't want too many people trying to give me a glass of wine. For my boss, I'll tell him that I took Tylenol today for cramps, and he'll drop the subject like a hotcake! Haha! It makes me laugh - how he is!!!
Oh - last night I wrote my Christmas cards and today I put our family Christmas picture (James, Emma and I) in each card and dropped them in the mail, so I'm happy that's done! Yay!
So tomorrow night after the show, I'll need to come back, pack my gifts, start packing, clean my apartment since my parents will be dropping me off next Tuesday, and give James and Emma so much love - I get so sad when I'm leaving my little babies :( Tomorrow at work I'll print off the pet pictures to put in my brother and the bitch's new frame from me. And on Thursday during lunch I'll go get more yarn. And on the Amtrak I'll be a knitting freak! Tomorrow I'll take pictures of some of the stuff, including the scarves, and post them! But my scarves are nothing special - I don't even know how to pearl (or is it purl) stitch, so I just straight knit.
Anyway, most of my day was very melancholy, then at the end of the day The Meat came down and we chatted for awhile and he lifted my spirits, then I got tired shopping, but am happy that I got stuff I needed to get! And life is good!!! (Except for having to leave my babies here over Christmas) :(