It's almost the new year!!!

Ugh, it's after 3 pm and I can't stop yawning and also can't get any energy! Of course, part of the problem is that I slept until 1 this afternoon! Which pisses me off, because since I stopped drinking I've been really good at getting up by at least 10 on weekend mornings.
The German came over last night and picked up some Thai for us on the way. I got my wonderful little period friend yesterday morning (the ultra-intense horniness the night before can be explained by rampaging hormones!) so I had been fighting cramps all day and didn't feel like going out to eat. We played with my new camera for a long time after eating, and he also showed me such a funny thing that he had downloaded on my computer while he was watching over James and Emma. He's a big computer video-game guy, and started recently playing some new game called Battlefield 2. Two squadrons fight against each other, with up to 32 players on each team, and after the game is done, you can go back and watch the game from any and all locations and vantage points. So some guys, with way too much time on their hands, had played games in certain ways and then set the scenes to music and monty python soundtracks and such, and it was absolutely hysterical!!! I loved it!!!
Anyway, he left around 10 pm, and after that I stupidly played sudoku games until almost 2 am, while watching Law & Order SVU episodes. Oh I piss myself off sometimes!! James woke me up a few times this morning for cuddling, but I just kept sleeping and sleeping and dreaming some weird shit, too! When I woke up a bit and saw the clock said 1, I knew I had to get up, but - and I HATE it when this happens - I had been sleeping so long that my brain still hadn't fully turned my motor skills back on! It's the scariest feeling when you can hardly move, and it takes all possible concentration just to move your arm a tiny bit! The only thing I can do is force myself to keep my eyes open, and force myself to stay awake, and eventually count to five and make one movement, and then do it again, and eventually count to five and make the biggest movement of all - sitting up.
Tonight I'm going to The Italian Chef's house with Florida and Asparagus, and maybe The Narcoleptic (sp?), and we're going to eat TIC's wonderful homemade pizzas and do whatever else. I'm so glad I'm just having a very low-key New Year's Eve, cause the hype really annoys me, and the pressure to go to a party and have the best time, etc. I'm happy I'll be with my friends and have a wonderful time, and I think it will be the perfect way to start the new year!!! And also, I won't be on my own and tempted to drink two bottles of champagne myself, as I've done on a few other New Year Eves.
Oh - last night at 1 am, French Mix called and left a message (I didn't answer), saying hi, wishing me a good holiday season and new year, etc etc. And then he sent a text just before 2 am: "Happy New Year Miss Caterpillar. May this one be better than the last." For those of you who don't know, French Mix is 31 and was in my brother's fraternity (though not at the same time), he lives in Chicago, is a playboy, is extremely hot (but unfortunately only 5'4"), and I hooked up with him after my brother's wedding and again a month afterward here in Chicago. He has a huge cock, and sex with him went on for hours and was so fucking amazing! I haven't seen him since I guess late September, although we have sent texts to each other a few times. And I emailed him just before Christmas to wish him a merry one. He's in no way potential boyfriend material, but I wouldn't be opposed to another round of amazing sex with him sometime in the near future!! Giddy-up!!!
Things I'd love to do today if I could get up off my lazy ass anytime soon: set up my new printer, set up my new

Alright, I'm off - I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe New Year's Eve! And I'm very excited about a new year starting, and wish you all wonderful things and happiness!!!
xx Cat