Sleeping, football, and country music

It's a little after midnight and Florida and Asparagus dropped me off a few minutes ago - I went to their place at 8:30 tonight. Asparagus grilled some steak that was really good, and Florida made sweet potato casserole - I think it's called a casserole but now I forget, but it was so yummy!! And then she'd made some fudge and brownies that we had afterward. We watched the Patriots get beat by Denver, and just hung out and talked and it was wonderful - I always have such fun being with them and I just adore them!! And I love their cats, too!
What else did I do today? Very short answer - I slept. Last night I went to bed at 2 am, just cause I fuck around at night doing shit. And I slept until almost 6 this evening! 16 hours of sleep! I woke at 10 from the alarm clock and went to the bathroom but was so tired so went straight back to bed, telling James and Emma that we had to go back to kitten bed for awhile before food time. And then I woke up around 4 in the afternoon but didn't get out of bed. James came and cuddled for awhile but I was still so tired so I rolled back over and went back to sleep. I finally woke at 5:45 and laid in bed for 15 minutes trying to keep my eyes open, telling myself that I had to stay awake and get up. Even though I've only been up for about 7 hours, I'm sleepy right now, so I don't think I'll have a problem falling asleep in a bit. I had some weird dreams last night/today, too. That tends to happen when one is sleeping for 16 hours!
Yesterday was a fun day, both at work and afterward. I met Violet downtown after work and we took the L and bus west on Grand Ave. We had a leisurely dinner at a little pizza place and talked about a lot of things, which was really good and also very fun! Violet is just wonderful!
After dinner we walked a couple blocks to Betty's Blue Star Lounge, where we were going to listen to a 6-piece country band called True Historians, they are now playing there every Friday from 7-9. Hardly anyone was there and the band was just setting up when we got there. I took some pictures, trying to hold my hand really, really steady! Most didn't turn out, but at least I was able to get a couple that were okay. As the band started playing, Violet's volleyball friend and wife of a band member showed up, and some people she knew, so we had a little group at the table, which was fun! And Special K came a little later, too! The band was pretty good, they played mostly covers - I liked the Johnny Cash stuff! And the music was just fun to listen to! But the best part was when this girl Jessica went up to sing, sometimes singing harmony with the lead singer, and also singing a few songs on her own. She was amazing! She really sang, and put her all into it, and was dramatic, was fun, was just fabulous! I absolutely adored the last song she sang, and asked her afterward what it was - Lucinda Williams, Can't Let Go - which I set to download as soon as I got home! And I'm listening to one of her albums right now!
So anyway, the night was fun! And also, I think this was the first time I've been at a bar since I stopped drinking. Hmmm, yes I think it was! And I did really well! No temptation, but I will say that when the girl sitting next to me got a glass of red wine, the smell was so strong that I couldn't NOT smell it. And wine was my drink of choice. But still, even though the smell reminded me of the millions of times I'd drank said red wine, I wasn't necessarily wanting to drink any now. And as my mind was going through all these things, I was knowing that I wouldn't be drinking any of it anymore. I'm strong now, and it just won't happen again!
Here's a picture from at the bar:
Tomorrow is the big Chicago Bears - Carolina Panthers game. The Bold One and I are going to a little party in Logan Square with the southside guys we always go to White Sox games with. I haven't seen any of them since September, and they're all so much fun and such good guys (all in their 50's, so no romantic prospects) and I'm so excited to see them again!
But first I have to go down to work just to pick up a couple of large folders that I need in order to finish that fucking opinion that I was supposed to finish last weekend. I told EVERYONE at work that I'd have it done on Tuesday (no work on Monday in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday), so I'll have tomorrow night and all day Monday to finish the damn thing and have it off my hands and out of my mind. And then onto the next one!
Anyway though, what that means is that I won't be sleeping any 16 hours tonight! My alarm will be set for 9:30 so I can watch my favorite Sunday morning political program while drinking my coffee and waking up! So now, I'm off to bed!
And here's a closer view from off my balcony: