Used kleenex, cleaning, and quotes
Yesterday I laid on my ass all day, but by the time I went to bed I had that terrible feeling of complete chaos in my life because my apartment was so incredibly cluttered and messy. It's a very real thing that when my home space is dirty and unorganized, my life feels exactly the same way.
So today I left work a little early and started cleaning almost as soon as I got home. I put all the dirty dishes in the dishwasher and filled the trash with other crap on the counter, and then thoroughly washed the kitchen. Then I cleaned the whole bathroom. Then got rid of all the clutter that was clinging to the floor in the living room, and organized the stuff to keep into their little file folders. I also finished cleaning out my computer armoire (I'd started on Saturday) and organized everything in there. I need to still take the trash out (you know, it's very hard to walk the ten feet into the hall to throw the shit out) and vacuum. And oh when I vacuum it's going to look just gorgeous in here!!!! And tomorrow I'll be able to wake up feeling fresh and ready to get things done! Yay me!!!!
A change of subject now - I absolutely love my little daily calendar. I keep it in my kitchen and every morning I tear off the former day to find a new quote. For the past couple years I've gotten the one called "Believing in Ourselves", which contains quotes all by women. When there's a quote that I particularly like, I keep it when I tear it off the next morning, and they slowly pile up. I found one such little pile in my armoire, so I went through and typed them all out. When I get enough to fill a page, I'll get another frame and then have four total frames of quotes in my bathroom!
A couple that I just typed are resonating with me still, and I guess are just pertinent to my mood right now, so I'm going to share:
When you learn not to want things so badly, life comes to you. - Jessica Lange
Could we change our attitude, we should not only see life differently, but life itself would come to be different. - Katherine Mansfield
I have to think about those two a little more - I like them and I think both are really true. There's another one that I put in a post awhile ago, but I really like it, so I'm going to write it again - it's so positive and makes me feel like standing tall, lifting my chin, throwing my shoulders back, and charging forth:
No matter where you live or how old you are, you can decide to change your life. That's amazing! - Angelina Jolie
In other news, even though I was feeling QUITE out of it today, it was really nice to be back at work with everyone there. And it was especially nice to see The Meat. I missed him and his daily encouragement. And all the cleaning activity tonight has made me feel much better, along with all the tea I'm drinking, so tomorrow I should be more down on earth as opposed to flying high in the clouds! :) And now, just one more quote, a fun one, and I love it as well!!
Well-behaved women rarely make history. - Laurel Ulrich