Computer problems and pictures
Last night my computer suddenly wasn't letting me get on the internet, even though it said my wireless was connected. And until now it wasn't letting me on either. Then all of a sudden it did. What the fuck? It's so frustrating when computers act up!
Today I have done a bunch of nothing. But I'm about to start going over everything for the opinion I need to finish writing tonight. However, I'll have to do it longhand because my Microsoft Word doesn't work. My computer came with just a trial edition of some teacher version of Word 2003, and it expired. Before I had to redo the entire computer, every time I opened Word it would ask me to register and I'd say no and I could still use it. But now, it locks Word up on me so I can't do anything. I've tried downloading various keys using emule, but none of them work.
Yesterday The German came over in the morning and played with James while I finished getting ready, and then we went out for breakfast. I took my camera with me since it was so pretty outside yesterday, with the sun out and the temperature not too cold. I took a picture of some of the beautiful brownstones along Fullerton:
Then we ate breakfast at Nookie's, which was fabulous, as always:
And then we walked around for a little while to enjoy the weather. On the way back we stopped in at a shoe store that was having a sale. The German got some very nice shoes at half price, and I got a pair of cowgirl boots - yay!! Ever since high school when we went on a family vacation to Wyoming I've wanted some cowboy boots. And since they are all the rage now, every company is making them so you can find very cool boots for cheap!! I bought a very cool cowgirl hat a few months ago, and now I have the boots - so all that's left is to learn to ride a horse like a real cowgirl!!
After The German left, I watched a movie and then occupied myself by reading all kinds of amusing stuff on the internet, and laughing hysterically at a particularly funny bunch of stuff. And then my coughing/throat issues started getting really bad and I spent the rest of the night trying to not concentrate on my throat.
By the way, I've been reading the best book! I think every single American should read this book, especially all who voted for Bush, which I didn't. I'm only a third of the way through so far, but Al Franken does an amazing job of showing how Bush, and of course those really in control - Cheney and Rove, used a campaign of fear, of smearing Kerry and the democrats, and the whole issue of gay marriage, to win the election. And the media are just as guilty as Rove at twisting things and reporting on things that never should have been picked up. I don't usually talk politics on here, even though I'm very interested in it all, but I did want to point out this book to people. It's important for all of us, even those who support Bush, to know how campaigns run by Rove work. And incidentally, I've been saying for months that Cheney is the devil, but I now think that Rove is the actual devil and Cheney is just his right-hand man. This book gets me seriously riled up at some points!
Alright, I'm going to get to work for a bit now! Even though I would rather do anything else other than work on this opinion right now. :(