My weekend (most of it) with pictures!
In other news, guess what I bought today? A new toy: the Hitachi Magic Wand!!! Oh how exciting it is! And yes, I have of course already tried it out, and I can report that it worked quite well, more than once! :)
I spent the day today with The German. He came over around noon and we walked to Nookie's for breakfast, and then, since it was so nice outside, we went walking all over. We stopped at Kinko's so he could make a color copy of his passport - he's finally getting his green card after having lived here for I think going on nine years, and whatever agency the INS became requires a color copy. The Kinkos people let him do it, but said it's illegal for them to let someone make color copies of passports and they're supposed to confiscate the copies. But the workers were cool. One girl also told us that before FedEx took them over, Kinkos used to be so cool to work for - did you know that the guy who started the company started it in his garage while he was in high school or college, and the name comes from the guy's hair, which was "kinky" - I love fun tidbits like that! (By the way, I googled for a picture with Kinkos in it, and this one is just so random, with cops on horses, so it just had to be the one!)
Anyway, after Kinkos we made a stop at a little cupcake shop that I'd seen on a local news program. We shared a red velvet cupcake with real buttercream frosting and red sprinkles on top. It was gorgeous and tasted wonderful, but at a price of $3.25 per cupcake, I won't be buying too many!
And then, we went to The Pleasure Chest where I picked up my new magic wand!! We also spent a good twenty minutes in there just looking around. Some of those realistic male dildos (which the salesguy confirmed are bought mostly by gay men) are fucking horse dicks! I'm sorry, but I can't imagine a real non-horse male having an erect cock THAT long and especially wide as a couple of those things. And any gay male who is sticking one of those things in his ass must be completely torn up or have had some kind of surgery to widen his asshole! Enough said!Our next stop was a little consignment store - The German is of course German, and he lives up to the stereotype of Germans being frugal! But, when we were there he saw a leather pageboy hat, with the original tags still on it, and he put it on me - and it looked so cute! He loved how it contrasted with my hair, and I loved that I felt like I could kick some ass when I had it on (it makes me think of a biker chick), so he bought it for me! I've worn it for half the night while just sitting here at home! And yes, I know I'm a dork :)
And now I have a confession. When we got back here I called my cable company cause I've had problems connecting to my internet through the router (I'm plugged directly into the modem right now, so sitting on the floor) and while I was on with the guy, The German opened my little zip-up jacket and started sucking on first one tit and then the other. And then pushed me over the arm of my chair and kept sucking while I told the guy thank you and goodbye. Then he spread a blanket on the floor, plugged in the magic wand, pulled off my pants, and sucked on my boobs and fingered me while I played with my new toy.
For some reason, I never say no to him when every once in awhile he decides to give me pleasure. After I got off, I reached over toward his pants and he said "no, this was for you." He's said that before, too, and I have NO IDEA what is in his head. Most men would be jumping to take off their pants. The good thing for me (emotionally) is that I wasn't really turned on by the fact that it was him touching me. I was comfortable as I'd be with a good friend, but not all excited per se about it being him. And I had no lovey dovey feelings afterward, nor did I want him to stay longer or to cuddle. So that's good! But I still didn't say no.Okay, enough about that. Yesterday was a great day as well. I'll get to morning activities later, but last night Florida, Asparagus and I took a field trip to the 'burbs - Naperville, to be exact - to see a friend's band play. And I was the photographer, and snapped over 300 pictures (most of which are crap)! I have to go through them all and pick out the good ones and do what I can to make them even better, and then the band members will all get a CD of them. I love being a photographer!
But before we went to the bar, the three of us walked all around downtown Naperville, which is actually pretty cute. All the trees had pretty lights on them, so it seemed like a magical little area. Of course, almost every single store and restaurant is a chain, but at least the area was cute. And we also walked along the river on the little river walk, and it was really pretty, and the fresh snow on all the trees made it even prettier. After that we walked around trying to find a restaurant for forever, but they all had huge waits, until we walked in a little Mexican restaurant, which turned out to be the perfect place because if it is a chain, I haven't ever heard of another one!
And the other thing - I had such fun! Starting in the car ride out there, continuing as we walked around and then as we ate dinner, we all laughed so much! And I found out that they didn't know the meaning of Santorum (as in the alternative meaning for Republican Senator Rick Santorum's last name), and in case anyone else doesn't know, I will do my part to help spread the knowledge: By the way, when you google Santorum, the first site is the one spreading this lovely alternative meaning! And when you do a google search under images, all sorts of hilarious things come up! So anyway, we had a lot of fun talking about that, and all kinds of other elementary humor! It was great!!!! The whole night was such fun!!
Okay, my Saturday morning romp and list of my favorite sex songs will have to wait until tomorrow, cause I need to go to bed now!