Little Brother

Since he just moved to Atlanta three months ago, he doesn't have a doctor, let alone one that knows about his terrible immune system and medical history of getting pnemonia (sp?) a few times a year since he was a little boy. So the asshole doctor he went to on Friday didn't give him any antibiotics at all, since my brother is young and the infection would, according to the doctor, just heal itself. On Sunday it had gotten much worse, and that's when it was spreading I guess around his chin or something (you can tell I'm not a doctor) so he called the emergency number of this medical group and a different doctor called in the antibiotics.
He's been regularly taking his temperature, and so far no rise, so that's good. And in his email he said he's starting to feel better so he knows the antibiotics are working. I told him he should move back up here where the germs will die in the cold! Seriously, he got a staph infection from popping a zit!!! WTF!!!?
He also got bad news last week regarding his job. There's a rumor going around that the company is going to go public soon and will likely get rid of his department so the profits will appear higher and they'll get a higher IPO price. He's been there for only 3 1/2 months, and now he's getting his resume ready to start looking for a different job. Oh and one other thing - last week he had a couple moles on his back scraped and biopsied, and they came back as irregular so he has to get them removed. TSIL just had a couple moles of her own come back as irregular so last week had two removed and four more biopsied. My poor little brother! He doesn't need more stress!
Other than all that, I had a pretty good day - a semi-busy schedule, interesting stuff, some laughs, and talking with The Meat about our weekends and moods and such. And I was more happy than not. And James just came up for cuddles! So nothing spectacular, and I've been lazy all night, but it was a pretty good day.