A pretty good day, and an email from Azerbaijan :)
Due to no one coming, the rest of the women who showed up from my chapter left before 1 p.m., so it was just me and B. I've always heard from everyone how fun and great B is, but I'd never personally met him. He's 42, gay, and describes himself as a fat guy with a hairy back who rarely shaves. In his defense, he isn't fat - he's just big-boned and has a bit of a pooch, but you would never think 'fat' when looking at him. And he has a nice beard. And as for the back hair, that's something I'll never be knowing about.
Anyway, though, he was wonderful!! Really cool, funny, a great guy, and interesting as well - in that he's had life experiences that are so different from mine. Even now, there are about ten topics I can think of that I want to talk more about with him. When I was leaving, he asked if I would join him and another girlfriend of his who stopped by for martinis sometime. And I said yes, even though I won't be drinking the martinis. I'm feeling so happy that I had a good time, and met a great person, and didn't feel judged or like a loser as I often do when I'm around the these women. And I was able to be myself and knew that he enjoyed talking to me for who I am, instead of having a pretentious-type attitude like so many others do.
Also, a guy who has a little shop across the street from the clinic came in to say hi to B, and he was a really interesting character! He's Hispanic and used to be a semi-professional wrestler, I guess in the Hispanic community. Now he just wrestles every once in awhile, and instead took up sewing masks for the wrestlers. From what B told me after he left, Hispanic wrestlers wear ordinary shorts or outfits but also wear masks, maybe to protect their anonymities, or to have separate superhero-like personas, I'm not sure. But this guy taught himself everything, from making the molds to sewing. And according to B, the masks this guy makes are so professional and so cool, sometimes made of leather and sometimes of pleather. I'm going to have to check them out and take some pictures!
After I got home, The German came over and made frittatas for us and showed me how to fix some of the hot pixels that are turning up on my camera. I also asked him about Germany's love affair with David Hasselhoff, which he 1) didn't really know about and 2) didn't really understand. I showed him the hilarious music video, and he hypothesized that Germans must like him because he's so obviously making fun of himself and isn't afraid to keep doing it. I can see his point. Cause I think the guy is hilarious now since seeing the video.
I'm watching downhill skiing right now as typing. Holy fuck do those guys go FAST!!! It makes me nervous just watching them! But that's what I love about the Olympics! And every one of the guys look so hot, too!
I have tomorrow off work - yay!!! I'll be doing a shit-load of laundry, vacuuming my apartment, finishing an opinion, playing guitar, and most probably welcoming SP over tomorrow night for a bit of nasty fun! Yesterday was my lazy day, today was my did-a-little day, so tomorrow will be my super-productive day!!! And THAT'S why we should ALWAYS have three-day weekends!!!!
I just heard a little interview with the French winner of the downhill. Oh how I adore accents!!!!!!!!!!
OMG - speaking of accents, how could I forget!!! I got a surprise email yesterday from my guy from Azerbaijan, Rufat. I haven't heard from him in over a year, so was pretty shocked to get this email out of the blue.
I met him on Halloween night 2004, when I was already pretty drunk and at a big bash with The Bold One. Rufat was with two friends, D - an American, and M - a friend from Azerbaijan who lives in Chicago. None of them were dressed up. I don't even remember how I started talking to them, but I remember taking pictures with them all, and talking to Rufat more, and then somehow Rufat and I were against the wall making out. A little while later I came up for air and looked to the left to see The Bold One and D making out next to us. I looked to the right and M was leaning against the wall smoking. It was pretty funny! And I laughed to myself before searching out Rufat's amazing mouth again with mine.
We stayed against that wall for an hour, I swear it was that long, just kissing and running our hands over each other's clothes. It was so hot, and he was the most amazing kisser. Seriously, the most amazing kisser. Finally, the three guys gave The Bold One and I a ride back to her place, and I dragged myself home later to sleep. Rufat called the next day and I made plans to go to dinner with he and M a couple days later, which would also be the night before Rufat left to visit a friend in California before flying back home to Baku.

Awhile after we finished dinner, D and The Bold One joined us and Rufat moved next to me. I was soon pretty toasted, and The Bold One tells me the cutest little story which I only half remember. She tells it way better than I will, but here's my attempt: I was trying to explain my point of view on something but due to all the alcohol in my blood, I wasn't making the most sense. M and D kept trying to interrupt and I was getting really frustrated, and it was then that Rufat, with one arm around the back of my chair and the other holding his cigarette, leaned forward and shut them all up, saying "she is making a point!" or something along those lines. It doesn't sound like anything when I write it now, I know that, but the way The Bold One tells it, it's absolutely adorable and I never tire of hearing it!
So anyway, that was the last time I saw him. We emailed a couple times back and forth after he got back to Baku, but since we hardly knew each other and lived halfway around the world, there wasn't too much to say to each other over email.
This new email is really cute. Mostly because of the misspellings and bad grammar - he speaks English less than proficiently but well enough to be able to hold a discussion. And overall, his email has put a smile on my face! A little hello from the other side of the world! One other little tidbit - I still have his original voicemail message from a year and a half ago. Every month or so it comes up and I listen to his wonderful accented talking, and I press 9 to save it again!
Grey's Anatomy just finished and ended with a question, worded something like this: "If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, how would you want to spend your day today?" I'm not sure exactly, but I'm pretty sure I'd spend the whole day weeping, which I feel like doing now just at the thought.