Pictures from the weekend, and My New Project!
On Saturday The German came over and we headed out, braving the ridiculous cold. We first stopped at a little shop that I'll talk about in a minute, and then we took the train to Lincoln Square to a little grocery store - The German wanted to show me that there's a good store up there for if I move there, and he likes it because it's cheap. Now I know it's just a grocery store, but I loved it - it had a charm to it and was very ethnic, both Hispanic and also Greek. There was a huge fruit and vegetable section and an enormous meat counter, and had a lot of products with labels in Spanish or in Greek, and we also saw bulk bags of dried rice and huge tin cans of olive and corn oil. It was a little different, which I always like! And they had cool mostly Latin American music playing there.
I took the following picture with Asparagus in mind, because Florida told me that he likes to eat these, which I think are called pork rinds and I tried one once before spitting it out (it was disgusting) and then I found out that it's pure fat:

And a close-up for Asparagus of the yumminess:
Mmmmm :) And one final picture from my sojourn to the store - this pig cartoon looks ridiculously excited about it's feet soon being pickled and eaten, and is even showing said feet as it looks over the label:
After the grocery store we walked a little ways to a dollar store to get superglue to fix a brand new earring of mine. I've mentioned before that The German is thrifty, right?! Anyway, once in the store I insisted on walking down all the isles and I think my mouth was hanging to the floor in shock, because everything there was exactly $1, and it looked like I was in Walgreens, just without any name brands. Everything from frozen pizzas, vegetables and dinners to makeup, hairspray, huge containers of hand soap, and every kind of food that you'd see sold in a Walgreens. They even had tons of household items, and everything was only $1! It was amazing. I'm still in amazement by it all.
Okay, so remember I'd said that I need something else to do, to take my mind off of certain things. For the past couple weeks I've been researching a certain project and on Saturday I ordered one from a little store by me, but yesterday I went back and upgraded my order to a bigger one. It should be in this coming Friday. First, I have to say that a certain part of me feels like such a dork doing this, but I don't really care because I'm so excited about it and not only will it be a long-lasting project that gives me something to do, I'll also learn a lot from it! So without further ado, this is what I bought/ordered:
Yes, a dollhouse kit! But it doesn't come looking like the picture. It comes only with the boards and various pieces. From talking to a lady at the store, I first have to sand each separate piece, then prime them and sand them again, then prime and sand again, and then I can put the house together with glue and nails. And then I can paint the outside. I need to separately sand, prime, sand, prime and paint the doors and windows before putting them in. And then I can wire the house for electricity before putting in the floors and painting the walls and buying all the furniture.
So even though the house doesn't look like it, I'm going to make mine into an Italian villa!!! I'll be shingling the roof myself, too, so I'll buy terra cotta-looking-like shingles and glue each one in place. And for the floor on the first floor, I'm going to have it be brick. But not just a wallpaper-type thing of brick - no, I'll be getting the little mini-bricks and using mortar to make the floor myself! And I'll lay down wood floors for the top two floors - and that's done by glueing individual little boards to the floor. Oh - and for the ceilings I'll glue up darker wood boards at intervals (I don't know what they are called - eaves?). I got a catalog from one internet store for dollhouses and I know sort of what kind of furniture I'll get eventually - all keeping with the Italian villa look! And there is seriously so much stuff available, it's amazing! I'm so excited!! I couldn't nearly afford buying my own place and remodeling and rehabbing it myself and buying all new furniture, so instead I'll just do it on the small scale, and at the same time learn a little about steps to doing stuff!
I'm so excited! And I'll be taking pictures to document my progress! And luckily there's the store that's really nearby, because I can go ask them anything. In the basement of the store, there's also a workroom filled with partially done houses - for people who don't want to build them at their homes, they can use the workshop to build them and store them. So I can also get ideas by looking at other people's houses. Oh - and I'll have to get a big box to cover my stuff so James and Emma don't get into it all!
So that was my weekend. Oh except last night French Mix and I texted back and forth for awhile. I'm not a huge fan of this texting thing, but oh well. He asked if he could come over later in the night and I said no :) I told him making plans with me at 11:45 p.m. was too late, and I was laying in bed ready to go to sleep. He pouted but I don't care. I was tired. And I deserve more than a type of booty call. If anyone gets to make booty calls, it will only be me!
I'm listening to the soundtrack from Phantom of the Opera (the original, not movie). It's so gorgeous and so powerful.
Oh, I found out a hilarious tidbit of info from The German this weekend! I've mentioned before that he constantly downloads porn movies - he collects them - and he's why I have such a huge collection myself as he passes them down to me. I knew he had a lot, but I had no idea how many. He told me he keeps a database so he doesn't download movies he already has. And he currently has 1,600!! He could open his own rental store!! I told him to just give me copies of the full Rocco library he has :)