Sunny Day

I'm listening to a Brad Paisley album right now. I love so many different kinds of music, but I'll say that Brad Paisley is probably my favorite country singer at the moment. I even got up and danced around my apartment to one of his songs! Dancing by yourself is one of the recommendations in a book on how to live in and enjoy the moment! And I was happy and was dancing in front of a mirror and sometimes laughing at my silliness. Yes, I can be a dork sometimes :) (Picture by Mark Mumford).
I have a three-day weekend and have zero plans for it. I got up today a little before 9 and am all dressed and prettied-up so I have the whole day in front of me. The German called while I was in the shower but I haven't called him back yet. So I might see him for a bit. If he comes over though, I'm going to make us go outside and walk for a bit, even though it's ridiculously freezing. I want to be out in the sun and breath in the crisp air. I've also been meaning to back up all my downloaded music and pictures, so I think I'll start doing that when I finish this. That way I'll start my day out by being productive! And I have a kind of hunger to be productive today!
Last night I left work and took a cab to a post office that was still open to mail out my application for a certain job, which application had to be postmarked by yesterday. Then I walked to Marshall Fields to finally return the two coats my mom got me for Christmas, which is good because now she can finally stop nagging me! I spent some time there looking around at clothes, and I first tried on a few pairs of the expensive and trendy jeans - I'm so unhappy with all my jeans and I love jeans, so I need a new pair! None of them worked well. I loved the look of the "rock star" pair, the color and lines and everything looked fabulous. But they were so fucking low-cut, I hate that! I don't want to be showing my ass every time I sit or bend over (and I don't want someone else blogging about my ass and thong hanging out)! Another pair that wasn't low-cut looked good, but not good enough to justify the money. I eventually moved over to the cheaper jeans section and found a pair that looked pretty damn good, so that was my one purchase! I also tried on a dress and it actually looked good! I didn't get it cause I didn't like it enough, but it was a good night because the clothes I tried on actually looked good!! Unlike those certain days when everything you try on further reduces your confidence so you eventually go home wanting to cry and never eat again! And I have a reason to look for and buy a pretty outfit - my cousin is getting married on March 25 in the mountains somewhere between San Francisco and Sacramento, so I get to buy a new outfit for it - yay!
Okay, enough blabbering. I'll call The German and then start backing up my stuff while I wait for him to come over.