A bunch of random shit
Here's the quote from yesterday's daily calendar:
Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are. - Marianne Williamson, author, lecturer, and spiritual leader
I like it. It's going on my wall!
Yesterday and today I was absolutely fabulous in getting up and to work on time!!! Yesterday I got here at 9:20 and today at 9:15 - yay me!!!!!!!! And over the weekend I'll also make myself get up by 8 and, like last weekend, shower and all that shit right away, so as to not be lazy. I feel so happy at getting to work so early!
The last three days at work have been very odd-seeming, because most of the boss-people have been gone to a conference during the day. So it's very quiet, and not as much fun. I saw The Meat for a bit on Wednesday night before I left, and also last night for a bit, and he's been here since noon today, so this afternoon we've been talking quite a bit and hanging out. It's been nice after all the quietness this week.
The Meat has recently made it his mission to find me a husband, so I have brief man news!
Guy #1 - very cute and sweet, I've seen him around many times because he's on this floor often. And a couple of the clerks know that I think he's cute so they've told him a number of times, but we'd never actually met before. Last week I finally introduced myself, and after that The Meat got a hold of him and quizzed him and tried to set up a date between us for tonight. I called him on Tuesday at work, and we chatted for a little bit but he didn't ask for my number or anything like that. And I've seen him twice here this week and both times we've chatted briefly but one of us had to go. I know he thinks I'm cute as well and isn't at all opposed to going out or getting to know me better, but so far he hasn't taken much initiative. Still, he's very cute and from what I know of him, he is a very nice guy.
Guy #2 - I haven't actually met him or talked to him yet, but we've traded voice mail messages and a couple emails. He's an attorney in the firm where Wake Forest's boyfriend works, and The Meat had quizzed the boyfriend about available guys at the firm. I don't know who he is or what he looks like, but I guess he's seen me a couple times and is definitely interested in meeting me. He emailed me on Wednesday, I called him at work yesterday and left a message, he emailed back saying he was really busy at work and probably wouldn't be able to call me, but asked for my cell and said he'd call me last night, and then he didn't call. Which I actually wasn't too upset about because I was getting really tired at 9:00 and fell asleep on my couch at 9:30. But he called me today at noon (I didn't answer). He was at the airport; he had mentioned in his email that he was leaving for a little vacation to California today and coming back on Monday. He said in his voicemail that he'd be back at work on Tuesday so he'd give me a call then, and that he'd definitely like to meet me sometime next week. Also, Wake Forest's boyfriend reported that he ran into the guy in the bathroom yesterday and he was kind of "giddy" - and the guy told Wake Forest's boyfriend that he'd emailed me but worried that he might have sounded dorky in the email (which he didn't), and was excited about meeting me. The stats on him from Wake Forest's boyfriend: he's tall, 6'2" or 6'3", has dark hair, is I guess attractive or at least not bad, and he's 36. I don't know much else.
Guy #3 - I also haven't met him. He's a teacher and coach at The Meat's son's school, and The Meat has mentioned him in the past as a possible guy for me. The Meat thinks very highly of him and said he was really good to both of his sons. Last weekend The Meat saw him and asked whether he was single (yes) and told the guy that he had someone for him to meet. So today The Meat had me print out some pictures of myself and write down my phone number, and he's going to send a note along with the picts to the guy this weekend, delivered by his son. The Meat said he'd introduce us if that would be more comfortable, and then leave and let the guy take me home (or call him if I hate the guy). So we'll see if the guy calls me and how it goes. (The Meat just walked down here and showed me the note, it was very nice).
Also, about ten minutes ago I just got a call and I got an interview for that job I applied for a few weeks ago! It's not until April 4th, so I have a couple weeks to bone up on this area of law and get myself prepared!
I'm also trying to find someone to go to the John Prine concert with me on May 6th. I emailed Piano Man today and I'm waiting to hear back from him. I know he'd like it and he'd be fun to go with. And it's in Waukegan so I need someone who has a car! I'm sooooooooooooooooo excited about seeing John Prine! He's become my number one favorite guy to listen to recently. Seriously, he's almost always playing on my iPod, although I've also recently gotten into listening to Dylan, too. So anyway though, to hear him perform live will be just absolutely amazing!!!!
That's about all. I still need to figure out what I want to wear to my cousin's wedding next weekend, and if I want to shop and maybe get something new and pretty, which would be nice. And I'm really hoping that SP will be able to come over tomorrow morning for awhile. Tonight The German is stopping by. And I need to check out Lincoln Square sometime this weekend to see if I could actually see myself living there. Oh and I may be getting together with Violet tomorrow night. And I'm going to bring some work home this weekend - some stuff to read and prepare for on a humungous (sp?) case that's up on Wednesday. And I won't have internet access, which is going to be so terrible because I'm so used to having it and being on my computer so much at home!
And now I need to get some stuff done here and have everything all prepared for next week! The afternoon has gone by very, very quickly!Have a good weekend!