Mad Hot Update (but actually it's not mad or hot, so just a normal update)

Good Night and Good Luck was interesting just because it was factual, and contained real clips of McCarthy, and that shit is so scary, the witch-hunt that the man was on. And how much power he had, and how much fear he instilled in people such that no one could speak out against him. It's scariest because I can see bits and pieces of similarity with things going on today.
On Saturday I got up super early - 7:20 a.m. - and was proud of myself for it! I showered and got dressed and all that, and then scored the NCAA brackets from my work, and wrote for awhile, and then ventured out with my broken lemon computer and dropped it off at Best Buy. I really hope that I'll have it back in two to three weeks! Because I miss it!
After that I did some other errands - Home Depot for paintbrushes and fun browsing, Walgreens for prescriptions and necessities and browsing, and grocery store. At Walgreens I got some Noni Juice. I've suddenly heard a lot about it and it sounds super cool and since I'm a sucker for natural remedies and exotic stuff, and because a co-worker has a whole book on what Noni Juice can do for you, I decided to try it out. I took some on Saturday and some on Sunday, and tonight I'll have my Monday dose. I don't feel any different, but that doesn't mean it isn't doing something good on the inside! If I'd have had my computer I would have done some research on Noni but I didn't. Maybe I'll have time today to print some stuff out. So I can see if it actually does anything. But seriously, it really does sound cool and amazing!
On Sunday I slept in a little and then The German came over and we went up to Lincoln Square, walked all around, and then had brunch at Cafe Selmarie - soooo yummy! Then we walked around some more and then south on Lincoln for awhile. I'm going to ask my building management if they'll give me an extra week to decide whether I want to keep my place. If they say yes, I'll have until April 7, which would be much better. I just don't know! I love my area! I love all the people and all the activity and the fact that the lake is right there. If I went to Lincoln Square I know I'd get used to it there, too, and really I think that whole area is cool, too, but it's just different. However, it is much cheaper, and that's a really good thing. Anyway though, hopefully I'll have a little longer to decide and look around up there.
I think tonight I'll stop at a couple stores on my way home to see whether there's a pretty shirt or

My friend AmyD had a baby boy on March 14th - congratulations to her and her husband and big sister IB!!! He's a cute little thing, only from the pictures he doesn't look so little - I still can hardly believe that a little person can squeeze out through our girly parts!! Babies are little, but they don't seem so little when I picture them actually coming out! However, that being said, I still want one - well, two actually. Or possibly three, but no more than that. And sometimes I don't even want a husband and just want a baby by myself. But don't worry, that won't be happening anytime soon. Still though, if in a couple years I still haven't found a guy who I love, I have two possible sperm donors in the wings!
I'm going to go chat with The Meat for awhile. We've been busy today so I've hardly talked to him. And then I have a shit-load of stuff to read. I know there was something I wanted to talk about here but I can't for the life of me think what it can be.