Apartment hunting worries, interview worries and a bunch of shit I have to do!
I also have my interview tomorrow afternoon for the possible job. I really haven't even let myself hardly think about it yet. Because every time I do, my thought process jumps to possibly being offered the job, and then to having to leave my current job, and I burst into tears. Regardless of where I am - street, bus, breakfast, office, couch, anywhere. But I'm really telling myself now that this is just the interview. There are more qualified people who applied, so there's no guarantee that I'd even get an offer. So I'll just go there and be my normally fabulous self! But tonight I better try on my only suit to make sure it looks good, and I also need to review some stuff that I printed off the internet.
But first, I need to clean my apartment! And it's already after 11 p.m. I am so fucking lazy sometimes!!! It needs to be cleaned because my apartment manager is bringing a girl to see it tomorrow, and so I need to 1) straighten the living room, 2) clean the kitchen, 3) clean the bathroom, 4) straighten the bedroom and hang up clothes on my dresser, 5) hide some of the crap that I leave sitting around my door, and 6) close my armoire doors to hide the clutter (that will be the first thing I do cause it's the easiest and I can check something off my list!).
I also need to finish reviewing a complaint by tomorrow morning (I've already looked over the motion but need to think about a couple things). I wish I had started actually being productive as soon as I came home so I wouldn't be sitting here now with so much to do!
I also was bad this morning and didn't get to work until 11:00 a.m. And that was only because The German called me this morning to make sure I woke up, and he didn't let me off the phone until he heard me in the kitchen feeding the babies. Which is a really good thing and I thanked him later, because even while I was sitting up in bed talking to him and knowing that I needed to get up because I was so late, I was 50% going to go back to sleep. Tomorrow, I need absolutely to be there by 9:30 at the latest. I think I'll set one of my alarm clocks out in the hallway.
I'm going to get started with my list of things to do - my huge list of things, in one more minute. But one more thing - The Meat was back at work today after being on vacation last week, and it was so so so good to have him back. It had been really quiet last week and the office lacked its normal sparkle which is The Meat. So I feel so relieved and happy that he's back!
Oh - and The Coach called me tonight and we talked for awhile. It was pretty good and I'm feeling confident enough now to be more of myself. Also, since I've actually met him now, it's much easier to talk on the phone. We talked about his stuff for a long time and then I talked about my stuff - basically what I just wrote about here - and he listened all the while I was talking and responded, but I'm not sure he responded enough or was paying enough attention. Hmmmm. If he's selfish he'll be back at the curb! But he said he would call me tomorrow to find out how my interview went and how I liked the apartment. I like him so far but have worries as well, but at the very least, it's nice to have a fun distraction!
And now, I'm going to go get started on my list of things to do! Wish me luck on my interview tomorrow, and also that the apartment will be so super-cool or else really, really suck!