New apartment (yay!!!), belly dancing, and a few other things
So I have two exciting pieces of news:

The one and only thing - I have to come up with the security deposit of $875, so I'm going to have to borrow it from The German. I haven't told him yet, but I know he'll loan it to me. I'll make this loan a short-term loan and pay him back with the money I'm saving from the cheaper rent. My savings account still has money but not enough to cover the security deposit because first, I bought the dollhouse of out it and second, bought clothes out of it, and third, I'm taking dance classes out of it. But my rent will be only $875/month instead of $1225 ($1265 if I had renewed), so that's huge!! And for the first month I get $200 off, which will help with moving expenses. But still - fuck!!! I'm running out of money AGAIN!!! I motherfucking hate being poor!
2) Tonight I started a kick-ass belly dancing class with Violet and I am so excited by it!!!

So now I want to start practicing, but honestly, I don't remember much! Angelina was going back and forth between the newbies like Violet and I, and the intermediate students, so we didn't get too much drilled into our heads today. However, at the end of class a couple of our fellow newbies led a mini-revolt, and from now on there will be two classes so us newbies will get a full hour of her undivided attention.
On the way home I took a little detour to Best Buy to see if there was a belly dancing dvd I could buy and also a belly dancing cd - because the music is so cool and I love that Middle Eastern-type sound. Anyway though, Best Buy failed me. And for the last hour I've been looking at different belly dancing music and instructional dvds on Amazon, and I'm also downloading some random stuff so I'll see how that turns out. No one can ever say that I don't jump in 100% when I first like something!!! (But I admit that I have a less-than-stellar track record at sticking to all my different things for the extreme long term.)

In other news, a couple days ago I was walking down the hallway at work and heard something behind me - a guy I knew in law school had popped out of a door and was calling me over. Here's what I remember about him - he was a really funny guy, but there was also an overtone of creepiness or sleaziness to him. He would crack me up, but also regularly give me long intense looks that said "I want to get in your pants."
One of the first things he asked was whether I was married and/or had children. A normal question, but he wasn't asking in the normal way. But he had me laughing in general and I was of course flattered by his quite obvious attention. He had to step out for a bit but after that he came back to see me, and that time the first thing out of his mouth was "you're hot." The way he said it, in just a matter-of-fact tone, had me both cracking up and blushing a bit! He ended up asking for my phone number so he could text me, and he said we should go out, and also told me in so many words that since I wasn't dating anyone I should have fun with him.
That night, I received the following text message from him, which still has me laughing while shaking my head: Damn u r hot. Time has treated u well. U need new play-friend. When I texted back, I said it was good seeing him and that I'd have to give it some thought. I'm bad, and I admit that I want to see what he'll do next, and also, it does make me feel pretty fucking good having someone tell me straight out that I'm hot! :) He called today but I didn't answer, and he left a message that ended with "I want to get a drink with you." Not asking me, but telling me. He's a character!
Tomorrow is my rescheduled interview, at 4 p.m. I'm not really nervous yet because it still feels so far away. And while I want to do well in the interview, I have kind of developed an it'll-happen-if-it's-meant-to-be attitude. Because I don't know if I really want the job, if I could do it (because I feel really inept sometimes), and also whether I could leave the people at my current job. So I'm sort of leaving it to fate. Also, I've talked to the guy who'll be interviewing me before on the phone, and he was so nice and I really enjoyed talking with him, so I feel that this will be the same. Of course, I'll be reviewing all my material beforehand, but I'm still pretty relaxed overall.
What else? I didn't do my laundry again tonight. I piss myself off. This means that tomorrow night I really really need to get the shit done! SP may be coming over for a bit after work, so I'll do it after that.
I also really want to have a reading by an astrologist (or is it astrologer?). I've never had one done but I've wanted to for years. My aunt has had readings done by this one woman who does it by phone and sends you a tape of the phone conversation afterward. After I finish typing here I'll check out her prices. I may have to wait for a little bit, since I'm really low on cash right now. But maybe I can figure something out.
And finally, the only other thing on my mind - I'm horny as fucking bloody hell right now!!!!
Oh - and tomorrow is James and Emma's 3rd birthday!!! Happy Birthday to my sweetest babies!!!