Quick update
I had a date last night with The Coach and it was absolutely wonderful! We're not very good on the phone together, but when we see each other I really, really, really like him! And on Monday I'm taking the train out to his area after work and he's going to give me the tour of everything! I'm excited!!!! He's SUCH a good guy, and very cute to boot!
After seeing The German's boat and doing some work on it, I'm going to somehow get to my aunt and uncle's place tonight - either by my uncle picking me up at one of the train stops on my way back into the city, or me taking a different train out to his area, or him coming into the city to pick me up. I'll be calling him after I shower so I know what to pack and what the plan is! I'll spend the night with them and my sweet little cousins at their house, and tomorrow morning we're going to go up to the Lake Geneva area!!! I'm so so so so excited about this, because I've heard so much about Lake Geneva, and seriously everyone in Chicago goes up there, so this will be so fun! I'm going to recharge my camera battery as soon as I finish this!
I still didn't do laundry and am fucking pissed as hell at myself!!! What the fuck is my problem? So I have to find something to wear for up at the boat and working, and then for tonight at my uncle's and then for tomorrow walking around. I think I'll have to wear something that isn't perfectly clean, but also isn't dirty or smelly at all. It sounds just lovely, I know.
I need coffee like a mo-fo right now so I'm off to get that started before getting in the shower. I think I might sleep on the train a little, cause I'm so tired right now.
Happy Easter everyone!