Sailboats and Easter Eggs :)
On Saturday, The German came over early and we went to breakfast and then caught the train up north, to just south of the Wisconsin border. The train ride was fun because we passed through all kinds of little suburbs, and then his new boat was also fabulous! At first I was all girly and scared to touch anything because there might be spiders or it might be dirty, but I very quickly got used to it and was walking all over the boat like an almost expert(!) and going up and down the ladder we had set up. But I still gave a little scream whenever I did spot a spider, and stayed very far away from it and/or had The German get rid of it for me.
We got a good amount of work done while we were there - fixed a few little things and checked out others and made plans for other stuff. And we also saw how sailboats are moved, which was pretty cool! It was a very fun afternoon overall, except for one thing - it got so fucking cold outside! I put my jacket on as soon as we got off the train due to the cold wind off the lake, and by the time we got back on the train at 7:00 in the evening, I was half frozen! But I'm getting very excited now to go sailing for the first time ever!
On the way back towards the city, my aunt, uncle and little cousins picked me up at one of the train stops - they greeted me with a cute little sign with my name on it, so cute!!! We went to their place and my cousins ran me all over, showing me all kinds of things. They are so cute, and were so excited - I just loved it! After awhile we ate some dinner and then set to dying the easter eggs, which was so fun! I haven't done that in years, since my brother and I were little! And after my cousins went to bed, I stayed up for a little longer talking with my aunt and uncle before we all went to bed.
This morning my cousins ran all over the house looking for the dyed eggs and other plastic eggs that were hidden all over. It was fun to watch because they were having so much and were so quick running all over! Later on we drove up to Wisconsin for brunch at a little lodge, which was nice. But when we left it had started raining and the rain only got stronger and stronger, so we just drove around Lake Geneva a little instead of walking. On the way up there we watched the movie Mean Girls, which I hadn't seen before, and on the way back we watched much of A Series of Unfortunate Events, which I also hadn't seen - my cousins let me choose the movies! :)
So it was a fun Easter! Although for some reason I'm never completely myself around them all. Maybe it's just because I need to see them more often. But I feel boring and kind of blah when I'm there. And somehow don't feel comfortable with myself. And also, I feel a little fat and ugly - well, that's kind of harsh - it's really more like feeling very ordinary and not very pretty and just boring. I get the fat and ugly feeling sometimes when I go home at my parents' place, too. Not always, but it's terrible when I do, and makes me feel relieved when I get home. Hmmm. But still - despite my sometimes weird feelings, which were really much more today than yesterday, I really did have a wonderful time with them and I just loved and adored being with my family and doing little family things! And I'm going to make an effort to see them more often!
And speaking of my family, I haven't posted pictures of my cutest, sweetest, most-wonderful-in-the-whole-world kittens in awhile!!! So here is little Emmalove, and then my beautiful Jamesbaby!
I'm so tired now. I really planned on doing laundry today after I got back. It's definitely been a full four weeks since I've done it! I'm getting desperate! But it's way way way too late to start now, and I'm so so so sleepy, and I've thought about it and I have a clean outfit to wear tomorrow to work and afterward to see The Coach. So it can wait for just one more day! But tomorrow night I really think I'm going to have to drink coffee when I get home from my date, and do that motherfucking laundry even if I don't get any sleep! I'll definately have four loads to do, and maybe five. So hopefully no one else will be doing any so I can do all the loads at once!
That was a really long paragraph for just talking about laundry. I need to go to sleep now so I don't start writing about vacuuming and dusting and other equally boring shit.