However, I discovered why I can't go four weeks without doing laundry - when I brought a few items back upstairs to hang dry after putting the rest in the dryers, I discovered that at least one shirt wasn't even completely wet. I guess that's why I shouldn't cram the washers so full. So from now on I'll do it every two weeks and the loads will be smaller, and I'll feel better all around and also have clothes that are completely cleaned!
And I dropped my taxes off at the post office last night after work, so that's done!
Oh, and The Coach postponed our date to tomorrow night because he's sick, but he called me anyway last evening and we talked for half an hour until his cold medicine started kicking in. And it was fun talking to him and I'm really excited about seeing him tomorrow night!
I keep thinking about a story I heard on the news yesterday morning, and was going to write about it even before I read NWC's wonderful post about the most amazing love we feel for our pets. The news story was so incredibly sad, and it hasn't ever been far from my mind since I heard it. On Easter, a man, I believe he was 39, drowned at Montrose Harbor after he jumped in to try to save his two dogs, who had fallen off the edge. One of the dogs drowned and the other is missing, so I'm sure it drowned as well. I can't stop thinking about how awful that is - because of course the man was going to jump in - I could NEVER stand by and do nothing as my babies were struggling to stay alive. But to have him die, and them die as well - it's just too tragic and too sad. And I can't stop thinking about it because it's just so incredibly awful and unfair.
My eyes keep wanting to close. [20 minutes just passed because my sweet James came over and cuddled on my chest and in my arms as I was laying here on the couch - he was purring the whole time! Pets give the most amazing joy and unconditional acceptance. They are truly little angels of happiness!]
SP came over tonight for awhile and as always, our time was incredibly hot and fun, and he is always reminding me how amazing I am, in so many different ways and on so many different levels :) I love that!
And what else? Last night I got a text message from The Sheriff. It's been probably two years since we've been intimate, but he still calls me, emails me or texts me now and then. He usually tells me how much he misses me and misses hearing about my life and seeing my eyes - stuff like that which is equally sweet and cheesy. He's really a very sweet guy, but also very young. Yesterday's text, though, takes the whole cake in the cheesiness category, although even cheesiness doesn't fully describe it:
"Hope your doing well really mis u and your 3cats, imean your 2 and your love muscle"
Wait, WHAT? My LOVE MUSCLE!? I don't know if he was drunk, but even that doesn't explain or excuse the awfulness that is the term "love muscle"! And no, I haven't yet responded and I don't have any plans to respond. And I know I'll get another text or email at some random time in the future, but please GOD, don't let it include the term "love muscle"!!!!
I'm so so so so so so so so sleepy, so I'm off...