Quick little recap
The weekend was pretty busy so I was really lazy all afternoon and evening tonight, and it felt great for the most part - but I'm very happy to be going to work tomorrow for company and some normalcy (I don't know if I spelled that right but I'm not going to take the time to look it up right now).
Anyway, here's a picture I took on Saturday night of a very cool church. I've never been inside it, but I like it because it offers services in English, Spanish, and - most cool - German! And also, it just looks so incredibly cool from the outside!
And because I'm not in a typing mood, here's another picture - a very crazy-colored duck that was walking around on Saturday morning, with the most intense red eyes:
Hmmm, what else? Here's a slightly blurry picture of one of the desserts from Saturday night at TeaGschwendner - the desserts were so yummy, as was the tea and everything else. It's such a cool little place! And I was given a very cool gift of the tea I liked, the special measuring spoon, and the little book of teas offered!
Well damn, now I'm looking at that picture and wishing I could have some chocolate mousse cake as a bedtime snack! What else? I've listened to the Garden State soundtrack about ten times today - that's not even an exaggeration because it may well be more than that. And since I last wrote, I've hung out with SP and The German (not at the same time, of course), and experienced some new and fun stuff with another guy who I'll call Angus, and I didn't return some calls that I need to get to returning. Okay, that's enough - I'm way too tired to go into any details of anything, so I'm off to bed so I can get up early and get to work on time in the morning!!